Im not sure, ive watched videos and read others descriptions and they sound as if theyd be an absolute beast to operate. Crazy powerNice man well done. Do the 797s shake very much compared to the little saws?
Im not sure, ive watched videos and read others descriptions and they sound as if theyd be an absolute beast to operate. Crazy powerNice man well done. Do the 797s shake very much compared to the little saws?
That came out of my friends garage. His dad was a large equipment mechanic. He passed 20 or more years ago. His mom took a bad turn in health last year, and he started freaking out about getting the garage clean if they had to sell his moms place. Well, she got better , but he was on a roll. He gave me everything I would take. A big cast iron floor drill press. I had a fit getting it home, I think it weighs 700 pounds, but man is that thing nice. One of my favorite things he gave me was a mint Remington 2 cycle oil can from the 50's. I cleaned out one corner of my pick up bed, put the oil can there, and wrapped it with a pile of shop clothes. He also gave me small anvil. I made room for it on my trailer, then couldn't find it. When I asked where the the anvil went two of the boys said they set it on the pile of rags I made. AAAHHHH, crushed the little can flat as a pancake. Oh well.Love that little oil can too. Nice touch
That came out of my friends garage. His dad was a large equipment mechanic. He passed 20 or more years ago. His mom took a bad turn in health last year, and he started freaking out about getting the garage clean if they had to sell his moms place. Well, she got better , but he was on a roll. He gave me everything I would take. A big cast iron floor drill press. I had a fit getting it home, I think it weighs 700 pounds, but man is that thing nice. One of my favorite things he gave me was a mint Remington 2 cycle oil can from the 50's. I cleaned out one corner of my pick up bed, put the oil can there, and wrapped it with a pile of shop clothes. He also gave me small anvil. I made room for it on my trailer, then couldn't find it. When I asked where the the anvil went two of the boys said they set it on the pile of rags I made. AAAHHHH, crushed the little can flat as a pancake. Oh well.
Oh Ed, I think that saw is mislabeled, it looks to be a 605 or Macbrick as they are affectionately referred to.I'm thrilled to say that I had a stroke of good luck for a change today.I bought a PM 805 on Ebay today for $100! It's in great shape & it's a runner.The only drawback might be the auto-oiler doesn't work & it only has a 20 in.B&C.I don't know how much these 82cc saws can pull as my biggest running Macs are the PM 700's & a 7-10 I have & they'll pull a 24 in.without a problem.The 250 I have is a strong runner too,but it only has a 20 in.on it & I never really had a chance to take it out cutting.
The seller on Ebay said his son used to be a logger & gave him this saw about 20 yrs.ago & he's only had it out a couple of times.He wanted someone to enjoy an older saw.I can guarandamntee it's going to the right place & I'll be enjoying the hell out it!Here's a link to a pic or 2.
If we can't laugh at ourselves then life is "short and brutish".Yeah,I just found out.No worries,it'll go back to the seller as a misrepresented piece of merchandise.I've never seen an 805 before,so I thought it was an 805.Now everyone can have a good laugh at my stupidity.
Can anyone tell me what these McParts are off of? I got them in a lot off stuff and have no clue what they're for, except for the 1-?? series air filter that I temporarily forgot I knew about.
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While we're asking about parts. What is my black clutch cover off of? Excuse the loose chain View attachment 779171
Looks like one of these. Oh, your chain is loose lol.
A few more parts and you will have an SP80 / 81
View attachment 779178