The 800 Series flywheel is different from the others, 18 fins and they are longer that the fins on the 12 and 24 fin flywheels. The "800 Series" saws would include the PM800, 805, Double Eagle 80, PM850 Super, and the PM8200.
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That said, I do believe all of the LH start flywheels will interchange, you just give up some cooling air with the 12 or 24 fin versions compared to the 18 fin. All of the earlier LH start 10 Series used the 12 fin including the SP80, 81 and 81E. The PM850, 700, and 10-10S normally came with a 24 fin except some early saws PM850 with the two piece electronic ignitions or early PM700 saws with the points ignition(12 fin).