I think I have this rod/pin/piston compatibility thing sorted out now. And while it looks like I could simply change to the correct rod for the smaller pin piston, after revisiting the IPL's and having a better grip on what I'm looking at, I called Bob J. to see if he might have the piston listed in the early 7-10 IPL (that I just should have ordered in the first place had I not been overthinking this whole thing so much). He did, so I bit the bullet and ordered it..., a 69030 which
should be the large pin version of a full skirt 2" piston with thick rings for a cast iron bore three finger transfer cylinder. Thing is, the piston that supersedes that number is the latest 85239 universal 2" replacement that supposedly is the miracle service upgrade for all the 70cc saws..., except for the ones with incompatible connecting rods, of course. Guess what they get? Yup. 85240 LOL
So anyway, I found a pretty clear break point in a 1972 6-10 IPL that lists both large and small versions of the piston/connecting rod assemblies for what was obviously a transitional period toward the more beefy pin boss design. It also references the same crank and cylinder assembly for both large and small connecting rods, (at least in this particular IPL), so that question seems to have been answered to some extent as well. A side note there would be the possibility of using the common 85352 10 series connecting rod on the older 70cc saws for using large pin pistons where they might be applicable (or desired?). Just a thought.
(A and B Codes denote the smaller pin configuration.)