Some might say the Canterbury Plains are the most boring part of the country. ;-)
Your photo reminded me of a lagoon near the coast at Waimate but I guess it's probably just an irrigation pond?
I got my first one, a Mini Mac from Geraldine, my plastic Mac from Christchurch, and just recently three PM610s (one going, 2 spares) from a guy further down the road here. He was selling a bunch of plastic Macs as well but I politely declined.
Yup agreed they are boring haha it's nice at the south end though it's very close to all the fun stuff. Yeap there's a few lagoons around waimo the whole coast of south Canterbury was swampy lagoons until they all got drained and pastured.
I've seen a few minis on trade me from Geraldine a couple really nice ones too. Hunt down a 10 series if ya can I got a few bits if you need anything. I pretty much grab any 10 series I can as even dead they provide sooo many parts for a keeper