The 800 series Mac's are exceptionally smooth. In fact I think my like new 800 is as smooth as my 372. The 125 is not as smooth as the 800 but still not bad and I could see running it all day without issue. Sure the 797 & 895's have more vibes but seem smoother than the 066's I've had. The non-AV 090 is the one that you REALLY don't want to run for long as its vibes are positively awful. Even though the geardrive version is non AV, the gearbox seems to tame the viibes a good bit, sort of a counterbalance effect.
Cheers for that edumication sawfun.
They say the off brand 460 vibs bad how would that compare to an 800?
The SP80 when it came out must have been quite the saw
I have spent some time running 3 different large gear drives and the vibration is not great, on the steep reduction ones with big chain its almost as if you can feel each tooth digging in. I also have run a 10-10 enough in a day to have 'buzzing hands' and that's not great either. The worst saw I have is the 090 which I use to mill. As to which is the lesser of the evils... its tough to say.
My PM10-10 buzzes bad but the S doesn't seem as bad an thd 70s are better too although the rubber 700 handle vs bare or 7-10 plastic helps.
I remember years back an old pom was working with us for a while and he hated little 4 or 5 inch grinders they made his hands buzz the rest of us never gave it a thought though and as an engineer you spend alot of time on 1 lol especially if your welding was less than ideal