I would hazard guess that its a timing related change in the ports or in the cranks key?
Only because I run my 10-10A saws for firewood and dropping small 8-14" trees ( crazy I know, when I have a bunch of bigger saws) but whenever I have had to install an electric chip in one I absolutely notice a change in performance, rpms and torque . Whatever advanc they put in the chips is a go sweet spot for the 10-10 I've found. I've been half tempted to try one in my PM60 but it was such a SOB to get straight with the points I'm probably not gonna mess with it.
Compression is the only other factor that I can think of if all things being the same.
I'd like to know if these chips and the factory electronic ignitions have an advance curve like a dirt bike does and also if modern saws have that too. Like is that part of the change in power that we see in a modern saw.
In modern mx bike ignitions some have different modes for a different delivery.
Is there a hi performance chip out there we all should be hunting down?
Bike cdi boxes are alot bigger too maybe thats why
Is there an ignition off a modern saw we should be trying to fit?