LolI used to have a spare PM800 engine setting here...
LolI used to have a spare PM800 engine setting here...
So i scored a good one this week. I saw a mcculloch engine on ebay. Listed as a 10-10s, 555 or 55. However it had an impulse fitting and fron t upper av on it. I thought to this 70cc or 60cc or 82cc? After studying the pictures better the exhaust mounts were horizontal on the saw. It was 82cc. At a asking price of $59.99. I couldnt hit buy now fast enough. Well it arrived today. After getting a 5-10 together, i decided to see what mess i got. Rather gunky as usual and upon taking it apart i found a pretty bad piston. Kinda like the one in the above photos with a lot of scoring and seized rings. So i looked in the cylinder and it surprisingly survived very well. Very little issues!!! Its not marked either so its a "B" cylinder. With some new seals and piston ill have a great 82cc engine awaiting a saw to go in!!! I love spare parts.
Thanks jethro, ive been cleaning it more today. Got a big ole "B" marked on it under that gunk. Shweew, cause i put a B piston on the rod this morning. Lucky i had it actually. Dont need to buy another one. Ive had this piston for awhile. Thought id need it one day. Its a mac piston too. So upon further investigation, it turns out that i got a pm850 cylinder for 60 bucks. Im tickled with that. Now i need a muffler for it. Anyone got a spare 850 muffler duct? Ive got the outer plate but no duct.Wow what a score man
Lol, youre welcome.Vinny,or as I cal him "the chainsaw whisperer" has come through for me once again.I had the 5-10 that he worked on since last Oct.I pulled the carb for a rerbuild back in Nov.& rebuilt it,but just didn't get around to getting it on the saw till last month.Now this is where it gets kinda weird.I pulled the flywheel to clean up & gap the points & when it came time to turn the crank to gap the points it was locked up.I thought I'd dropped one of the little washers down the throat of the carb for the adjuster needle extensions.As it turned out one of the rings just broke when turning the engine over by hand.If the saw was running when the ring broke there would've been a lot more damage done,very possibly could've ruined the cylinder.I'm just glad things worked out the way they did.A big thank you to Vinny the Chainsaw Whisperer!
Hi JustinHi Guys,
Just thought I would share this with everyone. I got this saw last week. It's a McCulloch Pro Mac 6800 or as know here in Australia the Bumble Bee. Was made for McCulloch by Sachs Dolmar Germany. Nice saw and it runs nice to.
Haven't had much time yet to go through it or even give it a clean but I will shortly. Anyway have a look and let me know your thoughts.
The Mac 118 is a Dolmar 166I knew Mac had Partner make the PM1000 (or P100) for them,but didn't know they had Sachs Dolmar make a saw for them.
Thanks Pogo, but I'll be buying them from a local industrial bearing and seal business. So I need the SKF, National, etc. part numbers.
Well, it vanished before I could contact the guy, sorry.I saw this on craigslist near me and figured you guys would appreciate it. @heimannm, if this would go well in your museum, pm me and I'll see what I can do.
Thanks Pogo, but I'll be buying them from a local industrial bearing and seal business. So I need the SKF, National, etc. part numbers.
I believe you need 1 each of Timken p/n's 471551 and 253747