Thank you Supervisor and Heimann. Heimann - are you having or supplying a chainsaw museum? I just find the stuff you're sharing here absolutely amazing, but I'm, sure you hear that often. The walking encyclopedia for Mcculloch!
MS - I think you are right, mine must be 19mm "small" size. Why I'm saying that is because I the other spline I got was too large, so deducting from what Heimann explains, mine should be the 19mm. Theoretically it could also be the mini, but I just doubt that.
I'm also attaching a couple of pictures showing that the drum doesn't say anything specific, except for Made in Canada, McCulloch, and then GY, and the number 86948. Clutch is standard for the 10-series then.
Thanks much,
PS: Just now (Saturday morning, Japan time), I went to a brick-and-mortar store that sells power tools including power saws etc., this is a labourer store and not a home center. Surprisingly they do NOT sell splines, but the guy knew what it was instantly. So weird...I bet they have them out back but prefer people come with their saws to get them serviced rather than buying a spline and doing it yourself! I am all for supporting the local economy, but I want to do this myself.
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