Probably a way to save money on labeling. People who buy it aren’t looking for Jaso or API certifiedNow it's kinda odd that they'd put it on their web site,but nothing on the container,unless they started doing so since 2015.
Probably a way to save money on labeling. People who buy it aren’t looking for Jaso or API certifiedNow it's kinda odd that they'd put it on their web site,but nothing on the container,unless they started doing so since 2015.
I was thinking the same thing,save money on the labeling.Yeah,the Tech 2 cycle oil was most likely designed for guys who aren't "professionals".I'm far from being a professional timber cutter,but I'm not the average weekender who cuts a few cord a yr.(if that) for his fireplace.I cut & hauled 23 cords of wood myself & my son helped me with another 4 cords.On average I put in about 25+/yr.I'd like to get some more in this fall,but the weather hasn't been cooperating thus far.Probably a way to save money on labeling. People who buy it aren’t looking for Jaso or API certified
Thanks Mark! Apparently the governor vane is broken off on my 1-75.I'm assuming that the governor vane from a 1-70 will fit?Item 9 is the governor arm assembly, also known as an air vane governor. This illustration is from the 1-85 but the 1-75 will be the same. Air vane governors were used before electronic ignitions with rev limiters were commonly available as a way to prevent the engine from overspeeding. You can adjust the arm that engages the throttle lever (item 12) to raise or lower the RPM the engine will achieve before the air vane governor kicks in.
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The governor is not in play when cutting and if it's tuned right, you won't over rev it free reving either. And you really shouldn't be free reving that much anyway lol. They eliminated it on later model saws without really changing anything else so the engineers must have figured out it wasn't really needed.I did some checking on the air vane governor after I put in an offer on Feebay.I called Discount Marine & they had one for $16.Meanwhile the seller on Feebay countered my offer of $7.50 with $8.50,so I accepted the counter.The one on Feebay is also a NOS.I don't think the governor was broken,I think it was taken off deliberately to get more RPMs out of the saw,but isn't that kinda dangerous for the saw's engine?I should pull the muffler & have a look at the P&C,I usually do this,but haven't yet.
Thanks for that info Kevin,much appreciated.I have plans on getting the points back in today,so I can give it a shot (if it has spark) on getting it fired up without any fears of engine damage.The governor is not in play when cutting and if it's tuned right, you won't over rev it free reving either. And you really shouldn't be free reving that much anyway lol. They eliminated it on later model saws without really changing anything else so the engineers must have figured out it wasn't really needed.
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