With the DE8200 complete, I moved on to a PM10-10 I acquired with the assortment of saws from my older brother.
I looked pretty clean so I figured a partial tear down, clean it up, replace bits as needed, and put it up on the "For Sale" shelf.
The first thing you notice is the non-standard spike...I believe this is standard issue for the 33/35/39 model saws.
This is the second in two weeks with the spring clip that is intended to secure the automatic oil pump in place just flopping loose.
I started the tear down for cleaning.
I kept going further on the tear down until it was just a short block. Everything cleaned up pretty nicely, the saw was supposedly a good runner before I got it, but I thought I'd pressure test just to make sure everything was copacetic.
PTO side seal was leaking...
Sorry about that, keyboard quit working on me. Crankcase was leaking too...
While I was at it I thought I'd confirm my theory about the flange on the oil pick up line and the disc check valve in the manual oiler.
Thick flange on the oil line...
Thin disc for the manual pump check valve.