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Me either. Ash and Elm came in here Sunday morning. Ready to destroy it!!!
Here's a super post!
The Super 44 and Super 250 ready for tuning and public annoyance. I expect my name broadcast as a public offender over the 1380 WPHM towers winking in the background "I'm Bill Gilmer, on the Blue Water News Network, last night a local man..." he he he.
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I was really hoping for news of a sheer pin and coupling, but...!
Upon further investigation....
I got a pair of channel locks fully expecting to yank the nut and a chunch of shaft out of the saw.
Instead, it appears what has happened is that someone, sometime, stripped the threads on the shaft, but not so much that I didn't feel resistance with my 1/2" ratchet handle (in other words, it felt like something was resisting even with a heavy wrench).
In a possible effort to make up for the fubared threads, the shaft is peened mushroomed slightly holding the nut on. Or maybe someone dropped the saw square on the shaft peening the end and the threads were stripped at a later time.
Sooo, splitting the nut may be in order. I pulled the gear cover so I have room.
Old stuff is bizarre, and this is no exception. The insides, chain, bar, sprocket and other things that would indicate use are almost like new. what little I can see of the cylinder looks fine. everything on the outside of the saw looks like crap. for some reason the bearings on the gearbox are marginal, at best. I suspect this saw was transported and stored poorly, but used very little.
At least it isn't as trashed as I thought it was last night.
Why not tap the crank stub for a bolt? JJ has talked about doing this many times. Need to have good aim and a steady hand when drilling. Just call me shaky.
Chris B.
Why was that 250 pulsating at idle?
It has an idle governor or something, it is self blipping so it won't load up.
I find it annoying and will change out carbs on my Super 250.
I have to agree with CPR, I kind of like the loping idle.
Unnerving to those not familiar with the old McCullochs.
Someone tell me the bar pattern for the SP125? Seems the Acres site does not have the info, Thanks!!
Customer put a old McCulloch Pro 610 on my desk and said here ya go. I looked in the bag and just seen dirt..oh there is a saw in there.. he said it was left on the ranch when he bought the place 6 years ago. Seized or he thought so anyway crud everywhere spiders and mice nests inbedded in the flywheel. Put some tranny fluid and it cranked right over with 145psi. Must be a lot of McCulloch saws sitting in this town as this is the 2nd one this week.
Got this sucker yesterday. Turns out to be a 795 (as expected). Seems to be really good compression. Had to do some parts swapping this morning to make it presentable. Mainly, the upper tank half had a big old hole knocked in it. Replaced a black part with a yellow one. This saw is going to need some serious cleaning. I did get it to fire with fuel down the throat of the carby. Compression release is pretty well gummed up, but not completely stuck.
Nice looking saw I think.
Chris B.