formerly promac610
Okay... whoever the person was that worked on this before was a real rocket surgeon. since I've never met them, I'll just refer to them as ******* (or DA for short) from now on.
DA apparently mushroomed the shaft trying to pull the clutch. when that didn't work out, he went at it with a screwdriver or something and actually bent the bottom of the bowl. in the process he screwed up the threads.
now the good news.
after filing the mushrooming off the shaft i was able to pull the nut off. luckily it turns out the nut threads gave way before the shaft got damaged too badly. i'll still have to chase the threads, but at least that is an option!
and i hate pulling things off tapered shafts. damn near shot the flywheel, the clutch, and the puller across the garage when things let loose. the penetrating oil did make it down the shaft, but everything was crazy tight. i'll use some anti-seize when i go back with it.
once i get the contacts out of the housing and get everything separated, I will clean it up a bit and post some pics, assuming i don't run into any more serious hurldes thrown down by DA.
Did that once with a flywheel on a blown snowblower engine... was prying it off, and FWING!!! BANG! 1.5 lb flywheel goes halfway across the barn and hits a table.