Duke Thieroff
Fill your hands, you SOB!
I am looking for a bar for my 250 and I am having a hard time finding a good McCulloch bar. What other bar mounts will work with my 250 ie husky mount?
Sent ya a pm Jim.
I am looking for a bar for my 250 and I am having a hard time finding a good McCulloch bar. What other bar mounts will work with my 250 ie husky mount?
if someone has a moment and the opportunity, i could use a good pic of a bow top guard looking at the end of it, right down the chain. I am going to have to get one made and the profile would be most helpful. Material type and thickness would be 'nice' as well. It doesn't look complicated, but falls into that risk category where screwing it up is low probability with very high consequences....
Can't get much better information than that, good job Cliff.
Can't get much better information than that, good job Cliff.
aluminum?===some perfect pics of a guard===
Well this cover was in pretty rough shape before I started it. I got my fil to bead blast it for me and then I began sanding on it. I don't have any fancy sanding or polishing tools. All this was done by hand for the last three to four evenings. I started with a 60 grit paper and then moved to a 120. From there I used a 220 and then a 400. After that I moved on to an 800 grit. Then I pulled out a rag and some mother's mag polish and went to work. Then I buffed it by hand with a really soft cloth. The I put 5 coats of clear on it. It turned out great but there are some imperfections if you look close enough. Its also a good idea to use water when doing all the sanding to keep the dust down and to keep the paper from clogging up. I wanted to do this because I see a lot of mart Macs with the polished covers and no 10 series Macs.
Man, that looks great. Imagine the whole saw done like that.
Stink showed us another reason why our vintage saws are way cool
You won't get a brilliant metal shine like that off plastic.
Speaking of plastic, the McCulloch man dropped by yesterday, I'll have a PM800 on Saturday. There was a minor mention of something chromed.
With the PM850, I am being redundant. I might need to unload PM80/81 parts, why build one when I'll have two already.
The 850 has a newer motor, the side mounted sissy valve and huge muffler gave it away. The muffler will be replaced with something much lighter, I have a driveside cover that will really bring the 10 series look to it.
Stink showed us another reason why our vintage saws are way cool
You won't get a brilliant metal shine like that off plastic.
Speaking of plastic, the McCulloch man dropped by yesterday, I'll have a PM800 on Saturday. There was a minor mention of something chromed.
With the PM850, I am being redundant. I might need to unload PM80/81 parts, why build one when I'll have two already.
The 850 has a newer motor, the side mounted sissy valve and huge muffler gave it away. The muffler will be replaced with something much lighter, I have a driveside cover that will really bring the 10 series look to it.
Does anyone have a SP60 parts saw? An oak log did a pile driver on mine.I was bucking firewood, the stem I was cutting on was held up in the air at chest height. The branch that was holding it up gave out and I couldn't pull the saw out because the dawgs were digging in. First wreck I've ever had cutting.
Stink showed us another reason why our vintage saws are way cool
You won't get a brilliant metal shine like that off plastic.
Speaking of plastic, the McCulloch man dropped by yesterday, I'll have a PM800 on Saturday. There was a minor mention of something chromed.
With the PM850, I am being redundant. I might need to unload PM80/81 parts, why build one when I'll have two already.
The 850 has a newer motor, the side mounted sissy valve and huge muffler gave it away. The muffler will be replaced with something much lighter, I have a driveside cover that will really bring the 10 series look to it.
Does anyone have a SP60 parts saw? An oak log did a pile driver on mine.I was bucking firewood, the stem I was cutting on was held up in the air at chest height. The branch that was holding it up gave out and I couldn't pull the saw out because the dawgs were digging in. First wreck I've ever had cutting.
Does anyone have a SP60 parts saw? An oak log did a pile driver on mine.I was bucking firewood, the stem I was cutting on was held up in the air at chest height. The branch that was holding it up gave out and I couldn't pull the saw out because the dawgs were digging in. First wreck I've ever had cutting.