What a mess.
For the record, I did not call mom stupid or disrespectful, the idea, yes... my mom, no. I was frustrated at the
idea that she had of setting the part down on the floor. We here at home have resolved the issue. I don't see why everyone here has to make a big deal out of it. She said that it simply was in the way (my fault) and so she moved it. We have since moved on from this issue, as of last night after supper.
Yesterday was an 'off' day for half of my feeble brain. I could still get stuff done, but obviously stihl 440's bad day rubbed right onto me and the #### hit the fan in that Craftsman bar thread. I am prone to 'off' days under enough stress.
I fact, I left my supper on the stove and burned it to a crisp. Normally, I remember that I have stuff cooking and check on it, but my brain was lagging and I completely forgot about it. So much for supper.
If you don't believe me, fine. That's your choice. I wouldn't be surprised if some of you have done something like this somehow at one point or another, whether on the internet or in real life, older than I am or younger. I wouldn't give you crap about it. It happens, no one is perfect, as much as they wish they are.
I've been under a bit of stress because my barn is filled from wall to wall with stuff making it difficult to get around, my brother is graduating college today, I'm done with school and need to find a job, I've got a bit of a mess in the basement where I am cleaning some rifles, I'm worried about and praying and hoping for those that recently went through all of the storms and wildfires down south; I could go on and on.
I thought we were here for saws, not to judge someone by the cover of their book. I'm gonna have ####ty days just like everyone else. I am going to try as hard as I can, from this post on to do that five minute wait before posting as RandyMac suggested.
Sometimes, there is so much going on that I can't hardly think. I don't recall guaranteeing that I would not make a stupid post or the like, IIRC, I said I would try. From what I can remember, I am doing quite a bit better than when I first joined, and stopped plastering threads as much with unrelated off topic stuff. So much for thinking I was understood here.
CPR, if that guy doesn't give you your 101 soon, let me know. The 790 is still 'yours' so if nothing goes right, like it seems to be right now, I'll send it back. A few of the parts are clean now.
Ron, good work cleaning up.
I'm glad you're okay from being hit in the head from a branch and that the other guy didn't get crushed by that tree. God bless you all.
RandyMac, you're right about kids being different nowadays. I'm just happy that I am not like those kids walking around with his pants halfway down his thighs smoking cigarettes and calling people obscene and bad names. I'm more respectful and decent than they are. There are a lot of kids like that around here.
If I met any of you at a GTG, you'd get a handshake and an introduction, just like I was taught to do, thanks to dad and mom, they both raised my brother and I to hold doors open for people and everything else that is mostly gone nowadays.
I have held the door for people that sneered at me and the simple gesture, did I slam it in their face because they sneered at me? No, I didn't. They just didn't know anything about or don't care about the gesture. If they started punching me, then I'd have a problem. Otherwise, I'm still going to hold the door open for people.
I apologize for me not being as perfect as you want. Everything I said or do, whatever, I apologize for it.
I waited about 6 minutes and revised this before posting.