Looks like a microfiche conversion, pretty clear compared to some other conversions. Thank YouHere's my 93561 version for what it's worth. Not quite as bad as I remembered. Still pretty rough, though.
Looks like a microfiche conversion, pretty clear compared to some other conversions. Thank You
Thank You. I save them allThis may help Ray. Pretty clear.
Gravity feed from the tank through the manual valve and to the automatic pump, the tiny piston in the automatic pump pushes it through the check valve and up the tube to the bar mount.
The only path for the oil to get to the crankcase is past the tiny piston (rod) and past the phenolic disc through the body of automatic pump.
I have had success with carburetor cleaner or brake cleaner, work the diaphragm manually to insure the automatic pump is working.
Mini Mac 30, B&C replacement
Just was given one of these and after a quick cleaning of the plug and air filter it fired up after a dozen pulls. I suspect it has sat for 30 years or more so I was quite impressed it started and it appears to run just fine. 12" bar and chain are original and in bad shape. Poking around the web I cannot find a referenced replacement. Can someone point me toward a worthy replacement. Looking forward to using this saw for trail maintenance. Thanks.