May also want to check if someone else already did a plug lead replacement somewhere along the line and gotten silicon or sealant on the post itself. That would certainly create the possibility for a bad or intermittent secondary reading.
Good idea but no sign of that, I'm testing the bare metel spike in the coil and she's dead... Fortunately I have a spare coil so the saw is going back together!May also want to check if someone else already did a plug lead replacement somewhere along the line and gotten silicon or sealant on the post itself. That would certainly create the possibility for a bad or intermittent secondary reading.
Now I'm not so certain it's an issue with the inlet needle. When the MM25 sits it doesn't leak gas like it did when the diaphragm was in backwards. So now it seems more like an issue with something else, or I just managed to flood it. But it was running and warmed up when it flooded...
The metering lever was level with the carb body, hi and lo needles were at 1 turn out, what am I missing?
Is it possible the new Welch plug I installed over the check valve is leaking? It seemed to be a good fit but didn't snap in as hard as I expected, just some finger pressure and I heard it snap. Then I proceeded to peen the center into a dimple. Is it common for them to leak and cause flooding?
Running out of ideas, but I might try a new sparkplug and start out at 1/2 turn on the needles and see what happens...
Not sure if this is any help to you MacAttack, but I saw this info in my Walbro stuff and thought I'd post it.Have you had problems with welch plugs leaking in the MDC carbs?
I would use a clear gloss acrylic nail polish, myself.I'm strongly tempted to try sealing it with something like Seal-All.