you all are exactly right, I do get impatient, but I don't live in a area where these saws and parts come up often. I am from New Mexico and big old saws like the 125 are very hard to come by, in fact I have never seen one or even seen an add for one except for some really old David bradly's and the Pioneer saws which were a favorite for the logging here back in the 60' and 70's. I have never, ever, come across a Stihl 090 or a McCulloch SP125. therefore I rely on ebay, craigslist, yakaz etc. to find what I want. This particular 125 came from ebay and was not even running. It did not have spark and was listed as a parts saw. It cost me over $300 on bid to get it and that was quite a while ago. I have been watching ebay everyday since then and have only seen one other Sp125 come up that was listed as running and it was pulled off of bid before the bidding was over with. When it was pulled it was already over $300, so I expect the fellow who had it listed was offered alot more locally and pulled it because. I scan craigslist all the time and every once in a while a homy 925 might come up or something in the mid power range but never a big popular saw. I have seen some Stihl 088's and once a Dolmar 166 but they wanted over a grand for those saws and they were not exactly vintage muscle. My brother bought a running restored Mcculloch SP125C on ebay not to long ago but it cost him over $750 to get it from Canada. So this is why I can't find what I need like you guys on the east and west coast. I do scan through craigslist in Cali, Oregon, and Washington and do see quite a few old muscle saws come up but most of the time the saws have already been sold, are to expensive, or the owner won't want to deal with someone out of state. All that I can find at garage sales are small cheap walmart "Wild Things" and small firewood saws. I have seen some blocks come up in the past but that was before I found my cylinder problem and I did not need one at the time. I quess that in the future I will buy one up whether I need it or not. As for contacts, there are none in New Mexico so I will have to rely on you all to help me with contacts. I don't know how much the sleeve company will want to build me a sleeve, I will have to wait and see. If it does not seem worth the price then I will have to learn to be patient. At least the Company is willing to try and help me out, that is more than I can say for quite a few other company's