member TBONE,,,,hospital,critical..

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Very good post..
hard to believe it's been almost ten days our buddy John has been unconscious in a hospital bed .. :(

A benefit ???
John has always been a giver not a taker so i dont know how that would go ??

Let me speak to his wife about a benefit type of thing before it get's started.
thinking maybe something along the line of a porting job on a saw would make him smile when he is able..
one of the saws he has already might be nice ?
what you all think ??

Just to add a bit,,,the AD for get well cards has been posted and it would be nice when he was able to, find a pile of cards and letters..
So,,i think that would be a good start,,FLOOD his snail mailbox with cards and letters !!

C'mon,,,for the price of a stamp ?? how many going for it ???
Very good post..
hard to believe it's been almost ten days our buddy John has been unconscious in a hospital bed .. :(

A benefit ???
John has always been a giver not a taker so i dont know how that would go ??

Let me speak to his wife about a benefit type of thing before it get's started.
thinking maybe something along the line of a porting job on a saw would make him smile when he is able..
one of the saws he has already might be nice ?
what you all think ??

I called the hospital and this is the AD they gave me.
Ad for get well cards.

Genesis health care
800 forest ave.
zanesville oh.
for patient.
John King
critical care unit
Just to add a bit,,,the AD for get well cards has been posted and it would be nice when he was able to, find a pile of cards and letters..
So,,i think that would be a good start,,FLOOD his snail mailbox with cards and letters !!

C'mon,,,for the price of a stamp ?? how many going for it ???

Where you want us to send them, his house or to the hospital. Count me in on any benefit held for him.
Very good post..
hard to believe it's been almost ten days our buddy John has been unconscious in a hospital bed .. :(

A benefit ???
John has always been a giver not a taker so i dont know how that would go ??

Let me speak to his wife about a benefit type of thing before it get's started.
thinking maybe something along the line of a porting job on a saw would make him smile when he is able..
one of the saws he has already might be nice ?
what you all think ??

Well, I think he should wake up to a fully restored '57 pink Cadillac with title, but that's just me.:laugh:

I realize arranging and managing benefit activity here is almost a whole other full time job for whoever would undertake the task, and not without difficulty on a variety of levels. Gets more complicated to pull off every day. I realize that.

But lacking such a public method to contribute to the cause, many of us already have his home address and a checkbook.

Just sayin'...
Very good post..
hard to believe it's been almost ten days our buddy John has been unconscious in a hospital bed .. :(

A benefit ???
John has always been a giver not a taker so i dont know how that would go ??

Let me speak to his wife about a benefit type of thing before it get's started.
thinking maybe something along the line of a porting job on a saw would make him smile when he is able..
one of the saws he has already might be nice ?
what you all think ??

You guys know me. I'm in for whatever. Let me know what you need. :msp_thumbup:
Where you want us to send them, his house or to the hospital. Count me in on any benefit held for him.


Genesis health care
800 forest ave.
zanesville oh.
for patient.
John King
critical care unit
Very good post..
hard to believe it's been almost ten days our buddy John has been unconscious in a hospital bed .. :(

A benefit ???
John has always been a giver not a taker so i dont know how that would go ??

Let me speak to his wife about a benefit type of thing before it get's started.
thinking maybe something along the line of a porting job on a saw would make him smile when he is able..
one of the saws he has already might be nice ?
what you all think ??

I think the Poulan Pro 405 I sold John would respond nicely to a port job...

So would the 346xp i sold him

Knowing John and his back issues.. I'm thinking a small saw that is easier to handle would be the route to go if he's to run it much at all if any. Thinking 346, 350, 026, 260, Little Dolmar etc. Light, manageable, super fun to run. He has told me more than once that a 350 is one of his favorite saws so I would think something along the line of a 346... just my $.02 I'm down with what ever.
I think a mint minimac would be more appropriate we care gift , doesn't have to work , just mint .
That way he can't yell at us for doing something nice for him .

I have a bunch of mini-Mac parts he sent my wife one time. Would love to return the ****...I mean favor.
I think a mint minimac would be more appropriate we care gift , doesn't have to work , just mint .
That way he can't yell at us for doing something nice for him .

in the true spirit of mini-mac. all of them.
sent a boat load down to Wampum while back.
never heard nothing back. :msp_sleep:

on nother note, many thanks to the fellas here for keeping all updated on TBone. :rock:
I can and would port him a nice 026, I know we talked at length about them between the two of us. He already has a couple of my bigger ported saws that he never found much time to actually run.