member TBONE,,,,hospital,critical..

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Fever spike of 103 degrees last night. ;(

CATSCAN to check Gall Bladder.

Looking for souce of infection.

Took him off sedation and too active so back on sedation.

More as we find out.

I hope they check his urine and do some blood cultures......sounds like he is getting decent care, just want to be sure he is not getting septicemia (blood infection), he is obviously a trooper with all he has been through, he is waking up confused and the fever may not be helping that. Godspeed TBone, hang in there!!!!!
Thanks for the updates.... I'm in for something... Johns presence is missed on AS every time I get a chance to log on.

I have a bunch stuff. If you competent guys decide to build him something, ask for parts and they will come your way ASAP.
dang I was wondering where john went. didn't even notice the title of this thread til now. get better buddy :rock: at your rate of post I'm counting on seeing you pass sawtroll one day :cheers:
I'm in on any type of benefit. I know John's on a 200T kick at the moment. I already sent him all the 200T stuff I had, but would be willing to help in any way.
blood infections

Blood infections are serious. There is a bad 'CRE' antibiotic resistant infections. I had one in 1st week of Jan 2013. Once they find the most effective drug to fight the infection, he'll have IV daily for a month or more once out the hospital. Mine was 7 days in hospital + 44 days IV @ home @ over 600$/day for meds (@ home). Thank God for good insurance, but 9 mos later I'm still paying off drs. We may consider donations of $ for his assistance.
The doctors never found a source of my 'infection entry point', but as a fellow tree cutter, we all know the germs and stuff we're exposed to. I had 2 staff infections in 2012 & the drs finally surmised that the infection 'colonized' in my ankle which was injured in 1977 in a motorcycle accident. if anyone gets a staff infection, take all meds + follow up with more blood work to make sure the gremlins are gone.
T-Bone sounds like a true leader & friend & he'll need support in all kinds of ways.
I hate to hear john is still in rough shape,,,, I have a question,,,, how about a raffle for him,,,, you all know he will have a bunch of med bills coming in,,, just like we did for wigs,,,, I would be more then happy to put in that ms170 that I just got done with and I have about 25 feet of new carlton 3/8 pitch chisel chain,,, both I have no problem putting in,,, just an idea
I hate to hear john is still in rough shape,,,, I have a question,,,, how about a raffle for him,,,, you all know he will have a bunch of med bills coming in,,, just like we did for wigs,,,, I would be more then happy to put in that ms170 that I just got done with and I have about 25 feet of new carlton 3/8 pitch chisel chain,,, both I have no problem putting in,,, just an idea

While I am broke I think this is a great offer. I'll be bringing a 50cc saw to wiggs gtg. I'd be happy to donate it to raffle. It won't be a daily cutting saw it's geared more torwards play. If I'm sure it'll hold together I'll post it up either for raffle or have a little auction.
I can and would port him a nice 026, I know we talked at length about them between the two of us. He already has a couple of my bigger ported saws that he never found much time to actually run.

Hey PioneerDude,
I can supply the 026 if ya' want. Just let me know. Scoot

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