Michigan mini-GTG

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THALL10326 said:
A real King has lots of knights to do all the work while he sits upon the throne and watches, see what I mean,
Hurry up and ship those knights out on next day air so we all can pose with them for your pics. We'll put em thru the paces. LOL
TreeCo said:
I wasn't teasing.

You guys would be lucky to have a pro racer show you how to cut. Maybe even get a peek at what a cutting chain looks like.

Tree seems to me you misunderstand what they are doing. They are getting together to have a good time and talk saws and make some cuts. All in good fun. Nobody mentioned racing for money. No pro racer needed for that kind of get together or racing saw or racing chain either. Hell burgers and hot dogs are needed more for that kind of GTG than a racer.....
carvinmark said:
Hurry up and ship those knights out on next day air so we all can pose with them for your pics. We'll put em thru the paces. LOL

Hold on, I'll ask the King. Sorry, King says they only work for him,:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:
TreeCo said:

No translation necessary. It was plain English.

I was serious about Rick teaching you guys how to cut wood with a chainsaw.

I've got $50 that says Rick can cut 15% faster than you using the same chainsaw and chain!

There is a lot more to it than not stalling the chain.

I'd take that bet in a heartbeat. I'd also bet another $1000.00 that I could do the samething to you Tree. Are we on?????
TreeCo said:

No translation necessary. It was plain English.

I was serious about Rick teaching you guys how to cut wood with a chainsaw.

I've got $50 that says Rick can cut 15% faster than you using the same chainsaw and chain!

There is a lot more to it than not stalling the chain.

Rick is welcome at my place-lets all just have some fun and make some sawdust.:biggrinbounce2:
I wouldn't have done that Tom.... I think you may have lost 50 bucks..... That is like challangeing The greatest of the great in any sport on their home turf....., wait, it is. lol.

Rick is a great guy and one can learn a million things watching him cut. After all, when you and the family are cutting trees for all day long and then takenin it to the races, they know how to cut. I would be happy if I could come in within 2 seconds of him with the same saw and chain. That is nothing but a pipe dream. that is something that only years of experience and learning from others can do.

I wish I could attend, but I think I'm gonna get stuck at a wedding...No seriously, I hate rich people, I'll be working. I think I am going to have to "babysit" my generators and air conditioners for the huge tent for the wedding reception. They at least better feed me....

04ultra said:
Well we'll finally meet Treeco in person...I'm going to pay for flight ticket for clearance and I'll bring him along....I have to call JP Hallman ...
Thats a lot for the offer buddy, I figure you can do just fine by yourself, give him a smack from me though, thanks.
04ultra said:
Well we'll finally meet Treeco in person...I'm going to pay for flight ticket for clearance and I'll bring him along....I have to call JP Hallman ...
Thanks a lot for the offer buddy, I figure you can do just fine by yourself, give him a smack from me though, thanks.
TreeCo said:
You've got a bet!

hehehe, somehow I just knew you would take that bet. Tree you crack me up. All that non-sense about betting money where friends get to together and have a good time. Let me ask you one sincere question Tree. Why did you even bring it up??
stihlatit said:
Hey THall if you get te grand out of Treeco you can buy the MS 880
you always wanted.

Awww shoot Tree isn't betting any money at all. He's just yaking and we all know it and so am I. Those guys are going to have a good time and nothing more. I don't understand why Tree even brought betting into this thread...
Freakingstang said:
I wouldn't have done that Tom.... I think you may have lost 50 bucks..... That is like challangeing The greatest of the great in any sport on their home turf....., wait, it is. lol.

Rick is a great guy and one can learn a million things watching him cut. After all, when you and the family are cutting trees for all day long and then takenin it to the races, they know how to cut. I would be happy if I could come in within 2 seconds of him with the same saw and chain. That is nothing but a pipe dream. that is something that only years of experience and learning from others can do.

I wish I could attend, but I think I'm gonna get stuck at a wedding...No seriously, I hate rich people, I'll be working. I think I am going to have to "babysit" my generators and air conditioners for the huge tent for the wedding reception. They at least better feed me....


Thats cool Stang, I don't even know the man. I do know Tree was trying to stir up the thread alittle with the betting non-sense so I just played along.

So now you are getting married, grrrrrrrrr, I wish you would make up your mind,lololol
damn, I hate to add to the 'cannot be there' crowd, as I am only four hours away. I have nothing to compete with.

I could host someday or go two hours (TO WATCH) even though I have no saws.

I would like to host a recreational climb someday. I have really nice trees.

I don't even climb, but I love my giant trees.
TreeCo said:
I take it you're backing out of our bet!

We could all learn a lot from Rick. Heck Thall, you could even ask him the question you asked me the other day "why square grind?". LOL

Funny Tree, you could ask all the saw manufactures why they don't build race saws themselves, hmmmmm. Go figure that one out and get back to me,,:ices_rofl:
TreeCo said:
Let me guess.

Because stock is better?;)

......and all that talk about modded saws and square ground chain is just a bunch of hot air?

I would atend a GTG if anything is ever held within 200 miles of Atlanta.

Fact is Tree for every race saw made there is 100,000 stock ones in the woods running just fine, no mods whatsoever. The racing thing is so small nobody cares including the manufactures. Same goes for square ground chain, so few care its not worth talking about.
You would attend a GTG , cool, I'm sure all the guys would just love to meet you Tree.
TreeCo said:
Thall not all modded saws are modded to race.

Your 1/100,000 ratio must be based on what you see at the shop. I think the ratio is a little higher than that in the group that hangs out here. They might just be humoring you so don't stomp their toes to hard.

I still don't know why you are down on square ground chain. You ought to get yourself a loop and give it a try. I've bought at least 5- 100' rolls over the years. It cuts faster than round right out of the box and can easily be converted to round with a hand file or grinder for those that don't square grind.

haha, Tree you crack me up. Tree what you don't understand is I'm not downing anything at all. Racing, modding is all fine with me but I've never had one single customer ask about either one, odd huh. Like I said the % of people interested in it is so small its not worth talking about but its ok for those that do like it. Obviously the manufactures think just like me........
oh I forgot

The square ground chain. Tree I've problly sharpened over 10,000 chains over the years at the shop and not one, mind you now, not one single person has ever requested a sqaure ground sharpened chain, not one. Do the math Tree, people just don't care about it.............
TreeCo said:
I hear ya man but just because you don't see people that care doesn't mean they don't exist. It's not in the Stihl lineup just for fun.

I started using square back in 1989 but I've never had one sharpened at a shop. I don't trust those shop guys that much. It's been over 20 years since I've had anyone sharpen a chain.

One of the great things about Rick attending should he decide to is that these guys would get a chance to learn some from a man that goes quite a bit beyond the average shop guy in both knowledge and expertise.

Well I never said they didn't exist. Hell I like watching mean saws run and I enjoy the fact these guys on this site take their saws to heart and try to make them the best they can be, I love it. I like the fact I can come here and read real saws guys verses plain ole everyday Joe that buys a saw and could care less.
Don't get me wrong about Rick either. I'm sure he's full of knowledge and takes it to the limit, the guys will love it. All I'm saying is for the most part not everyone is like the few that really get into saws. I perfer the guys that do, trust me. Take it to the limit is fine with me.