Michigan mini-GTG

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TreeCo said:
Sure it does Arnie. Ultra lightened up the photo and it does change the data in the jpeg.

Wrong. He just needed to adjust his contrast. like the one below as well as crop out the bright section above the saws.

CaseyForrest said:
Nice job Arnie!!! That looks sweet!

Thx Casey.

The hard part is minimizing that bright sunshine as the picture was taken in two distinct light areas. Shade and sun. Which plays with the aperature of the camera unless you set it manually. Once the picture is taken you can only work with what was shot. If the picture was all in the sunshine it would be best. Second best would be all in the shade with a slower aperature exposure or brighten picture with software and double your contrast.
stihlatit said:
Thx Casey.

The hard part is minimizing that bright sunshine as the picture was taken in two distinct light areas. Shade and sun. Which plays with the aperature of the camera unless you set it manually. Once the picture is taken you can only work with what was shot. If the picture was all in the sunshine it would be best. Second best would be all in the shade with a slower aperature exposure or brighten picture with software and double your contrast.

LOL!! Isnt that what the auto setting is for?!
Yeah, I know what you mean though, confused to camera by focusing on the dark area, but thinking it was taking a picture of the lighter area....They all look better in my hands anyway!!!
Mr. said:
Looks like EJ's wife is having the baby.

Rick will be bikesawing it. Lucky duckies.

Congrats to EJ and his wife.
Can't wait to see and hear his saws run. Looks like I will be more of a spectator, that's ok. I have had lots of saw and equipment problems lately and have'nt had enough time to keep up. I can take the 395 off the mill and put a shorter B&C on it. It's all stock, but maby it will be good to compare it to the Kings. Rick assured me that after this I will be building a fast saw-OH NO, more $. What the heck, I'm hooked anyways. Might as well go faster. Got to be cheaper than drag racing.
carvinmark said:
more $. What the heck, I'm hooked anyways. Might as well go faster. Got to be cheaper than drag racing.
Yes it is alot cheaper then drag racing carv. i used to bracket race alot in the 90's and travel out of state to try different tracks. Well got married had kid and that all slowed down. Then i go to a fun little gtg, and I felt the same blood pumping rush after running faster woods ported saws at the spring ohio gtg. So now it has hooked me to go faster too. Let me know how a stock 395 cut compared to the 066/660. I was debating which one to go with in the 0-100cc class. I decided on the 066 after reading on how well it took to mods.
Cut4fun said:
Yes it is alot cheaper then drag racing carv. i used to bracket race alot in the 90's and travel out of state to try different tracks. Well got married had kid and that all slowed down. Then i go to a fun little gtg, and I felt the same blood pumping rush after running faster woods ported saws at the spring ohio gtg. So now it has hooked me to go faster too. Let me know how a stock 395 cut compared to the 066/660. I was debating which one to go with in the 0-100cc class. I decided on the 066 after reading on how well it took to mods.
Don't know what will happen. Sure it will be well documented. Do you miss racing? I know i sure do. Chainsaws can be bad too!
It is going to be a nice day. I will have white signs posted at intersections and my driveway that will say GTG , see ya later, gotta try to clean up my shop as we have been very busy.
I got my saws ready(I think) I have a stock 3120,a stock 7900,a 50cc saw that looks like it is stock,I am bringing an open 3120 mod that runs real well.So I will see you there.

Well I made it home, There were a lot of nice saws there.I think there will be some videos later.

Rick :greenchainsaw:
It was fun. Thanks Mark for hosting it. It was nice to meet everyone.
Many thanks to Mark for hosting and to everybody for attending. It was quite a success. We are tentatively planning to do it again in Frederic, MI, towards the end of September or the beginning of October, date to be determined.

Activities at today's GTG included some friendly competition, some milling, a carving demonstration, and some race cutting technique and sharpening tips. Lunch was also provided, along with a tour of Mark's shop and his wood and tool collections!

Some of the Saws:

CaseyForrest and Computeruser's saws:

Helsel's saws:

My saws:

ATTN: Sap - CaseyForrest has gone to the dark side:

The cant holder and some cants:


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