Mid Winter Shut Down

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I believe Ferrell had some really bad times in the early to mid 2000's and they started to straighten up their act after they lost major market share. If I remember correctly every employee at our local branch quit and the ended up closing it down and running everything out of the next branch 44 miles away. The overflow lot across the street from their buildings was probably an acre and was literally full of returned rented tanks.
don't know how mn is,,but don't try to move a propane tank in iowa,,on the road,,with gas in it,,the dot will hang y0u....AND, ferrelgas is rotten to the core,,always have been,,,

Your talking larger tanks correct. Here you can do a 100 lbs in your truck lose. Anything bigger like the 60gallon tank in my mom's motorhome has to be mounted to the vehicle
Talking about moving LP tanks with LP in them about 20 years ago we had four tanks on running gears three were 1000 and one was a 2000 gallon LP tank that we used at bin sites for drying grain. Our bin sites were spread out 15 miles so we moved them a couple times a year. Had a guy helping during harvest we were moving all the equipment 15 miles to some other ground and a different bin site. I had him hook up the 2000 gallon tank that just happen to be completely full. Two ways to get to where we were going one on the highway and one gravel. I told him stay on the gravel and he knew the way. He took the highway and of course DOT happen to be in the area. Between the fine and them making me get the COOP out to pump the tank out it was a $1,000 dollar day. I never let anyone but me move a tank since. Now days we have tanks at each site.
So, what did you think of the drill powered chimney sweep?
It worked pretty well. The chinsy plastic bristle brush didn’t knock out as much stuff as I thought though so I’m going to get a steel bristle brush to use with that shaft system. But it did knock a couple gallons of black crumbly crap out of the chimney.

Dummy me forgot the newer Ryobi drill at work last weekend so I had to use an old black and decker with manual chuck. Tightening/loosening that for each piece was the longest part of the whole endeavor.

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