This sunrise in MinnesnOduh is only short an airplane, eagle and a bottle of goat piss of being a John Denver song
Did you guys get any wood cut??
Or just goof off all day???
If it makes you feel any better Andy I left one with him. :msp_thumbup:
I never did make a stool today.
So where are you taking your wife for your anniversary dinner since your sweaty and dirty from cutting and splitting today
Too much cheese?
I just got in from a chainsawing marathon out in front of my woodshed. I started at about 10am and just finished at 9pm. Man that was fun. Sarah ran the skidsteer and I ran the saws. I put 1 full tank thru each of the following saws Stihl 056, 460, Husky 385, 272, solo 694, & jonsered 2153. I put 2 tanks thru my 064 stihl and 3 tank thru the husky 2101 (man that thing is a machine). We also split about 2 full cords, and cut up I'm guessing 3 full cords. Sweet day to be running saws, nice and shady, light breeze. I had a hard time stopping.