Talked to Denny tonight. He is looking forward to having us GTG at his place this Sunday. Looks like a few colder days to help firm up the ground than nice again on the weekend!
Started loading the trailer today with split wood. Going to clean up some more wood tomorrow and stack it in the trailer and should have it full of split wood stacked in the dump trailer for delivery on Saturday. The owner of the dealer ship is going to meet us Saturday to take us over to the guys home to deliver the load of split wood. Hopefully we can get a gtg planned for a Saturday after the first to get him a second or even third load of wood. If anyone can help please let me know. Or if you have some wood to spare let me know.
Are you still thinking that weekend of the 9th?
Vini I will know more Saturday when we drop the load of firewood off. I did talk with the gentleman and he did say he had a bunch of guys do some cutting for him a week or so ago. I will post an update here Saturday after the delivery.
Nope your cool! I don't know if I could ever do that. Lol you would need a different saw just for that, instead of woods porting, you would need your saw to be ice ported.....
Forgot about heated handles. Mount the ported 064 on a pole saw with heated handles?Ported 064 with the winter filter cover set up. Maybe even heated handles