MONSTER TREE up for grabs

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I'm not being a smart ass but need to ask you, how many large ficus have you done in the past?

They have large dia limbs, heavy, which piss out latex when cut. Limbs are like horizontal queen palms.

Like Koa said, the volume always is a lot higher than you think because they have large wood and lots of leaves.

Cutting and chucking that stuff over the house ... forget it.

Lower with a tag or speed line .... slow.

Everybody is pretty much on the right track here, personally, that type of job is right up my alley and it would be a good job but you want a crew who have done them before with cranes or excavators etc.

And like Koa said, leave some breathing room in your bid coz chit happens.

So what was the bid price on it I wonder??????
clearance said:
Anyone out there Tree whatever he is calling himself this week is a cull,troll whatever. Banned already for dumb stuff, he is still having fun. The guy will achieve mythical staus here soon. Your choice, you may be embarrassed.

Most of us know t-whatever is obviously not an experienced professional, but I am surprised at how some would approach removing this tree. This will not be a simple job. It does not require a lot of high tech rigging, but it will require a tremendous amount of work. I am also surprised at how low some can do this job for. I should post pictures when I have large removals and solicit bids. I could probably fly someone in, pay their hotel for a week, let them do all the work and it would only cost me 50% of what I bid.
clearance said:
Anyone out there Tree whatever he is calling himself this week is a cull,troll whatever. Banned already for dumb stuff, he is still having fun. The guy will achieve mythical staus here soon. Your choice, you may be embarrassed.

clearance, quit stirring up sh-t. it's a legit question and legit tree located in Miami that i am being asked to remove. just because you don't like some of my business methods, doesn't mean this is a troll. everytime you trim trees you use your gaffs which is illegal. we all disagree on that, but it doesn't make you a troll now does it.
Groundie30 said:
Treeinovator, formerly Treeminator.. That tree looks like it could be done without a crane from the two pictures. In my opinion. Judging from the plastic chair on the front porch, it looks like 50 feet or maybe a little more to the highest point. There a alot of angles and things that I cant see from those pictures though.

i still don't see how some of you guys can remove the trunk's weight off the structure without a crane or excavator. let's say youtake all the top branches off, then what? you have this huge 15 ton massthat can't be cut unless uprighted.

a normal tree with say a 2ft trunk can be cut from the underside and then it will fall onto itself. you can't do an undr cut this sized without something or someone getting damaged. how do you cut away the portion of the trunk that is physicall leaning on the concrete block exterior wall? i see know way around it.
Ekka said:
So what was the bid price on it I wonder??????

i spoke to the previous owners when i inspected the tree a couple of weeks ago. the house changed ownership last week and the new owners are RE investors who live near me, which is why they asked me.

anyways, the previous owners said they got quotes for.... $3,500...$4,000....$7,000....$12,000.

i can't imagine any legit company removing that monster for $4,000 or less.
whether this tree gets done or not.... i think this thread is should be taken with an education purpose. it's a good example of a situation where many people have different opinions on how to go about removing it.

just sayin'
Wow, that's a big spread isn't it.

$3500 to $12k

So you know that it's gotta be inbetween there, and maybe you can settle a price with them of what is fair as you have a good standing with them ... good on ya.

Hard part will be getting the right people to sub out to.
Koa Man said:
clearance I am also surprised at how low some can do this job for. I should post pictures when I have large removals and solicit bids. I could probably fly someone in, pay their hotel for a week, let them do all the work and it would only cost me 50% of what I bid.

thanks koa thats made my day,maybe treeinovator could find the contractors. lol
Treeinnovator said:
whether this tree gets done or not.... i think this thread is should be taken with an education purpose.

I think you have done a fine job of educating us in one of your past lives...:buttkick:
Treeinnovator said:
clearance, quit stirring up sh-t. it's a legit question and legit tree located in Miami that i am being asked to remove. just because you don't like some of my business methods, doesn't mean this is a troll. everytime you trim trees you use your gaffs which is illegal. we all disagree on that, but it doesn't make you a troll now does it.
Gaffs are not illegal here. On to your stellar business methods, where do we begin, getting employees from fast food places, training them to climb in one day, giving them junk saws (after using electric saws), making them pay thier own comp. after paying them $8 hr. Having them use 1/4 rope from Homo-Depot, having them get jobs for $5, brainwashing them (in your words) so they are dependent on you. Its all good to talk over this tree guys, if you are taking Treewhatever seriously you are deluded. Newer people here should do a search on Treeminator, using the search function on this site.
Ekka said:
Wow, that's a big spread isn't it.

$3500 to $12k

So you know that it's gotta be inbetween there, and maybe you can settle a price with them of what is fair as you have a good standing with them ... good on ya.

Hard part will be getting the right people to sub out to.

the low end is either from (a) some yahoo living day to day who needs to desperately pay his bills (b) the contract has a non-debris removal clause.
So TreeIn,

You know the old quotes, youve gotten several offers of help and a lot of opinions on peoples prices, etc.

So what is YOUR bid? What are you waiting on? Every one of the thousands of registered members here could give you a price and how they would do the work, but it only depends on YOU. You are the one doing the work, or at least scheduled to give the final bid.

If someone wants to do it bad enough, put it in contract form and get on with the dumb thing. Make sure the contract is clear on whose liability carries damages.

You want another price....Ill do it for $10,000 plus travel, lodging and food of MY choice, & any extra equipment I feel necessary once I get to Florida. Oh, and thats NO CLEAN UP.
okietreedude1 said:
So TreeIn,

You know the old quotes, youve gotten several offers of help and a lot of opinions on peoples prices, etc.

So what is YOUR bid? What are you waiting on? Every one of the thousands of registered members here could give you a price and how they would do the work, but it only depends on YOU. You are the one doing the work, or at least scheduled to give the final bid.

If someone wants to do it bad enough, put it in contract form and get on with the dumb thing. Make sure the contract is clear on whose liability carries damages.

You want another price....Ill do it for $10,000 plus travel, lodging and food of MY choice, & any extra equipment I feel necessary once I get to Florida. Oh, and thats NO CLEAN UP.

damn, i would have taken you up on the offer if I could have chosen your

i just found a guy with a 50yd grapple truck who will charge $400 per load. where's he dumping? who cares as long as he makes the piles disappear.
On second thought, I retract my offer. I just have a bad feeling about that job. It probably would take an escavator to pull the tree upright. I wonder how much it would shift off of the house once all of the weight and leverage was removed from above the point of impact? It might even come off of the house .. I'm not sure.

Ekka, I have worked on big trees on block houses before.. i.e. a 60+ water oak on a block castle looking house, and I have cut a medium ficus before. I have not removed a ficus that large before, and the house to is an extra hassle. It looks doable, but its just a picture. I would have to see it in person to see all of the angles. I definetly don't think I have the most experience on this site.. far from it. I do think I could remove that tree without incendent though. Maybe the next one.. Thanks for the advice though..
*** UPDATE ****

the winning bid was $3,700.

i spoke to the owner and she did a thorough check on the tree company that won. all licenses and insurances in place. this price included debris removal. i said, "the crane service alone is $1,200". she doesn't think they are going to use a crane, but she's curious as to how they will lift the weight of the trunk off the house without one.

still... unless they are illegally dumping the debris on the side of the road or something, i can't imagine how they will get rid of that much debris without it costing a bunch of $$$.

she also said there were a few tree companies that simply didn't even want to mess with it at all. they passed on it.

my bid was $7,500.
oh one more thing...

she said the tree guy said they never did a tree that big.

i almost want to go down there while they are cutting the trunk just to see how they do it without a crane or something.
Treeinnovator said:
she said the tree guy said they never did a tree that big.

i almost want to go down there while they are cutting the trunk just to see how they do it without a crane or something.

They are in for a big surprise and will lose their okole (Hawaiian word) on that job. Why don't you go and take some pictures of them in action. If they do a good job, I would like to have their phone number so I can fly them in for my big removals.
Koa Man said:
They are in for a big surprise and will lose their okole (Hawaiian word) on that job. Why don't you go and take some pictures of them in action. If they do a good job, I would like to have their phone number so I can fly them in for my big removals.

lol... i actually said something similar tot he owner. i said, "wow, that's an incredible price. i might call you up in the future and get their name/ph# because i could use them to sub-out work at their prices."