In a matter of days you can have chickadees eating out of your hand.They will line up to get sunflower seed.As soon as the one in your hand leaves the next in line lands ,leaves and so on.A momma chipmunk had a burrow in a small grove of trees in my side yard.I found the burrow and kept putting sunflower seed in it.Just poured a handful right in the hole.In less then a week this little critter would come to the edge of the trees and chirp at me for treats.If I missed her for a day I'd sit in a lawn chair and chirp for her.She'd come to the edge of the trees,look around,make sure the coast was clear and run over to me,climb up my leg and into my lap.First thing was give me a nip on a finger then rub each cheek on a finger,stuff face and charge back to her burrow.This went on for 3 summers before she died.The birds liked me this weekend. There are peanuts in this mix which are always the first to go followed by sunflower seeds then everything else.
Chickadees are very tame as my neighbor 1/4 mile away feeds them all year and the nuthatch was a bit more shy (photos taken without telephoto). The juncos don't let me get close at all. Some of these chickadees will hover by you and consider landing on you.
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We have a chipmunk that will eat from your hand and even allow you to pet him. He's been tame for 4 summers so I fear he won't be around much longer.In a matter of days you can have chickadees eating out of your hand.They will line up to get sunflower seed.As soon as the one in your hand leaves the next in line lands ,leaves and so on.A momma chipmunk had a burrow in a small grove of trees in my side yard.I found the burrow and kept putting sunflower seed in it.Just poured a handful right in the hole.In less then a week this little critter would come to the edge of the trees and chirp at me for treats.If I missed her for a day I'd sit in a lawn chair and chirp for her.She'd come to the edge of the trees,look around,make sure the coast was clear and run over to me,climb up my leg and into my lap.First thing was give me a nip on a finger then rub each cheek on a finger,stuff face and charge back to her burrow.This went on for 3 summers before she died.
It's starting to settle now but on Saturday evening it was nearly knee deep in the woods. Tomorrow is going to be azz cold, about -3 overnight then warm up into the weekend.NICE pic's steve.. you do have some snow hey ! were all brown and the wood is still dry and easy to find.
The last shot is great- for any camera.Chickadee spread. I love how they keep switching angles to size you up.
That last pic really turned out nice. Usually cell phone shots are just blurry wings.
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