So what was cute at first, now has my wife worried. I have this doe and two fawns that may not be able to leave my fence...five strand electric. I'm sure she can leave, but is she staying because the fawns won't mess with the fence? They appear to always be in the fence and she is skinny...not sickly but you can see her ribs....and she is brazen, always cleaning up after the goats. Afraid of us, but not very. Unlike Nates muleys, our yard deer are usually pretty wary.
You can't see through the foliage of this recently fenced in 2 acres so it will be tough to "herd" them out the gate, but we will try tomorrow. The crossbow pic was a joke for my wife.
On a side note, we have a very sick goat that may be related (if it's deer worm)