We use it sometimes on a daily basis. Its great for brush and sometimes when we don't have enough stuff we forget about the Dingo and use it for logs. We break it down and store it in the passenger side of the chip truck. It is heavier than you expect even broken down but I am very happy with the purchase. Just don't let em try to sell you the aired tires instead of the solid ones most people get. It took me forever to embarass them into sending me the solid ones and it costs a lot to have the aired ones filled.Treevet - do you find you are getting good use / a lot of use out of the Stein arbor trolley?
I have read all the glowing reviews on that thing, and seen it at Expo, but I'm still on the fence.
Plus, it wouldn't be usable for the monster chunks that the motorized cart is shown moving.
Edited cause another thought popped up in my little brain.
I take my mini on about 90% of jobs and when I dont I wish I did.
MAAAAAAAAAAAAN! Just looking at that pic makes me sic. Groing up, wurkin fur big brodder, building custom homes, he made me do all the hard chit. Like tug one of those things up to the second deck so we could use less air lines to shoot down a roof. And those bastards are heavy (keep in mind I weighed about 95lbs in school) That was hard enough, but draggin that thing over freshly dug and dried huge chunks of clay when getting ready to put a cap on a foundation REALLY sucked! I wanted things to be easy, so I quit and joined the Marines, LOL. That thing would have been a godsend!