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100% USDA Certified Abnormality-Free.
. AS Supporting Member.
Jan 29, 2001
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Depends on who wants to know, and why.
Talking bout the good, bad and the ugly. Any comments and/or advice?

Thinking about one to round out my 3 saw plan. I currently have an MS-250, MS-261, and thinking the 461R would be an appropriate big brother to the other two.

List is $1109.00 with a 25" bar. Dealer said that he could do 10% off that, which basically covers the sales tax.

I have a credit card account with a little over $600.00 in purchase credits. On April 25th, I'll get an annual 50% credit point increase. That means I'll have $900.00 worth of purchasing power.

So......I'm thinking for about $200.00 or so out-of-pocket, I can get a new saw. :msp_biggrin:
The way I figure it, if two saws running in my garage sound great, three saws should be awesome.

That and the fact, I'm heading north this summer to help a buddy clear about 15 acres of ground. He's telling me not to show up with a small saw. ;)

Dano, a 461 is a small saw. If you don't believe me, just ask RandyMac. :D
If you want honest opinions I'll throw mine out. If you are planning to max out a credit card to buy a toy then it's a bad idea. If you are going to buy with the thought of it being an income source then pay off the card as soon as you can and enjoy your new 461. Remember one thing, credit is not income.
Do it now!!!!! But get a stihl light weight 28". Those 461's have plenty of torque to pull it all day long.
If you want honest opinions I'll throw mine out. If you are planning to max out a credit card to buy a toy then it's a bad idea. If you are going to buy with the thought of it being an income source then pay off the card as soon as you can and enjoy your new 461. Remember one thing, credit is not income.

Sounds like he has affinity points from the use of the card, so apparently $900 is not coming out of his pocket.
Sounds like he has affinity points from the use of the card, so apparently $900 is not coming out of his pocket.

Zactly! I have had these points building up for some time now. The only money coming out of my pocket, will be the difference in the price of the saw and how many credits I have, which I figure to be about $200.00 or so.
Sounds like he has affinity points from the use of the card, so apparently $900 is not coming out of his pocket.

Yeah, I missed that one. Read too fast!

Zactly! I have had these points building up for some time now. The only money coming out of my pocket, will be the difference in the price of the saw and how many credits I have, which I figure to be about $200.00 or so.

Got it through the second read, my mistake. Enjoy your new saw!
The ms 250 and ms 261 are very close in engine size. The 461 would be a huge step up from the 261..30-40 cc saw, 50-60 cc saw , 70+ cc saw would be my 3 saw plan.

That being said, pull the trigger on the 461 they look cool in the store.
Excellent & brutal
Dude, maybe I'm the dense one but a card is still a card and your going to get touched up one way or another
Cash and carry

It's kind of like a reward for doing business with the card company (bank). I've always had low or 0% interest on the card. You get cash back for using the card to make purchases. The cash back reward doesn't expire and just keeps accumulating. Once a year, you get 50% cash back award on top of your current balance. By the time April 25 arrives, I will have about $900.00 in available credit to me to use as I see fit.

Believe me when I say, I know how to avoid credit card rip-off's and unreasonable interest charges. I've been paying zero, or next to nothing interest rates, for well over 20 yrs.
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It's kind of like a reward for doing business with the card company (bank). I've always had low or 0% interest on the card. You get cash back for using the card to make purchases. The cash back reward doesn't expire and just keeps accumulating. Once a year, you get 50% cash back award on top of your current balance. By the time April 25 arrives, I will have about $900.00 in available credit to me to use as I see fit.

Believe me when I say, I know how to avoid credit card rip-off's and unreasonable interest charges. I've been paying zero, or next to nothing interest rates, for well over 20 yrs.

Cool, but how come you "are between a rock and a hard spot" then?

No harm meant, just thought it was a fun point! :D
Cool, but how come you "are between a rock and a hard spot" then?

No harm meant, just thought it was a fun point! :D

It's got nothing to do with my financial situation, but rather, societal pressures and choices once forced on me.

It's a good thing to remain hungry. :msp_wink: