Hello All,
I've been following Arborsite for several months now and have learned much. I appreciate the time many have taken to provide their advice and expertise and I admit there's always opportunity to keep learning. I have a few decades of chainsaw experience, although always as side jobs and never commercially. I started out with a inherited vintage (early 50's?) Lombard with a 16:1 mix, a slightly newer Homelite (1960's?), as well as a few second-hander Remmingtons (early 70's) and even an Eager Beaver that could almost double as a large key fob. My first new and still my go-to saw is a 1983 Stihl 041 with a 20" bar. It starts and runs like it was still a pup. My backup and for smaller work is an 026, also meticulously maintained and running well. I perform 100% of maintenance. I've never had to do so on my own saws, but I've rebuilt a couple of friend's chainsaws who didn't understand the risks of lean tuning or oil-starved fuel. I figured after 40 years I can justify treating myself to a new saw, partly because I anticipate 041 parts will get tougher and tougher to acquire, but honestly, mostly because of no defendable reason other than I just want one and that my wife said I could

. I've settled on the MS 462. My use cases include, for example, dropping an occasional 20-25" diameter oak, pine or beech (damn those nematodes) and subsequent bucking for firewood. My 026 will handle the smaller stuff.
Enough of the intro. I've read dozens of forums discussing the pros and cons of M-Tronic. There's clearly a mix of facts, hands-on experience, emotion and a touch of Luddism in the conversations. I understand the tech well. I understand that Stihl has made significant improvements since the early version(s) that had solenoid issues. I understand the additional minor operational steps associated with starting/stopping/calibration etc., none of which would be an issue for me. I'm not afraid of new tech (my formal career was engineering in the Semiconductor Production Equipment market). I'm skilled and comfortable with carb maintenance/rebuilding/tuning. All of my side work is done at near sea level on the east coast. So here's my question to all, Greatest Gen to Boomers to GenXers to Zoomers, and given my experience and use cases: If you had the choice of an M-Tronic or a non-M-Tronic 462 that will be that last saw you ever purchase in that size class, which would you buy?