Randy the saw is looking good. I may finally break down and buy the best 50cc saw out there.
A 5100???
Randy the saw is looking good. I may finally break down and buy the best 50cc saw out there.
A 5100???
Nope 261. It can run the same bars and chains as the big boys.
Not sure. I never dropped roll tides. I did run 2 tanks through it that day after I ran the 461s out of mix.
Simple question.. I know porting increases power, fattens up the torque for more speed in the cut at the cost of increased fuel consumption. But, this one is STILL a strato. So how is the fuel use ? Is it proportional to the change in cut times (40% ish) or ?
Would be intetesting to compare to a stock saw.
Randy really seems to know just what these m tronic saws need.
I think Randy's 261c has bridged the gap enough that it has made the 362 even less appealing. If u need more saw than this 261c than u need at least a 441c. I was not a fan of the 362 anyway. Randy really seems to know just what these m tronic saws need.
Randy, what's your 261C vs. 359 opinion?
It's too dark for a video.....but I put the jug I ported for my own saw with the stratos intact on the OE and it's a little faster than the M-Tronic. I just knocked a cut off at 8.66. :bang:
You may have built a better mousetrap.
You may have built a better mousetrap.
May?? As in the earth "may" be spherical?
Or Jon is messing with him and made the cant smaller when randy wasn't looking...