Okay, okay, it is problem with my eyes more than the the 310.
Going great guns blocking a good sized log. Set saw down to load split and load some. Pick up saw to block some more. Over do it on the single lever thingy and wind up in CHOKE. No, no, I don't want that. Hold trigger down, can't get back off choke. Try two handed - same.
Take cover off and try inspection. Now I jiggle it and it is off choke, have to fiddle with it to get the axle shaft back where it belongs, cover back on. Back to cutting.
Ready for more split/load but now the $*@ won't go into OFF...and same for CHOKE. Reaching for the scrench to pull the filter and choke it to death when it dies by itself. Had enough sweat and frustration for the day anyhow so quit with only 3/4 of a load. Off to the dealer (25 mile drive) tomorrow. Hoping nothing broke and it just needs re-install somehow that my eyes ain't seeing.
Probably caused somehow by an incident about 30 minutes earlier when the cover fell off while in a cut. Apparently a twig must have hit the latch just right as the knob was in the open position when I picked it up. Maybe I screwed the linkage when I replaced the cover.
Harry K
Going great guns blocking a good sized log. Set saw down to load split and load some. Pick up saw to block some more. Over do it on the single lever thingy and wind up in CHOKE. No, no, I don't want that. Hold trigger down, can't get back off choke. Try two handed - same.
Take cover off and try inspection. Now I jiggle it and it is off choke, have to fiddle with it to get the axle shaft back where it belongs, cover back on. Back to cutting.
Ready for more split/load but now the $*@ won't go into OFF...and same for CHOKE. Reaching for the scrench to pull the filter and choke it to death when it dies by itself. Had enough sweat and frustration for the day anyhow so quit with only 3/4 of a load. Off to the dealer (25 mile drive) tomorrow. Hoping nothing broke and it just needs re-install somehow that my eyes ain't seeing.
Probably caused somehow by an incident about 30 minutes earlier when the cover fell off while in a cut. Apparently a twig must have hit the latch just right as the knob was in the open position when I picked it up. Maybe I screwed the linkage when I replaced the cover.
Harry K