MS361 Big Bore Kit Review

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I believe your dealer is using last years pricing... or maybe he has one in stock to move. That's what we paid last year... but it changed to $212 January 20th or so to align it with the rest of the country. The current price (StihlNW) I just checked online is $220.90. Dealer cost is significantly lower... and dealers can sell for whatever price they like, higher or lower.

On the money. I'll sell 361 piston and cylinders all day long for less than 200.00 but the problem is that dayumm saw never seems to need one, grrrrrrrrrrrrr, great saw for the user, not a good saw for the shop at all. I've replaced exactly one and that was for a member on here. One cylinder and piston out of all the 361's out there, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Yep.... seems like a bullet proof design (and "chrome bore"), even with all the user abuse. I've been sitting on a new P&C forever (year or two...).... One day...
Yep.... seems like a bullet proof design (and "chrome bore"), even with all the user abuse. I've been sitting on a new P&C forever (year or two...).... One day...

No kidding. I have no cylinders and pistons in stock for the 361, none. Calls for them, none. Its not a shop friendly saw at all, likes living in the woods, dayumm that saw, no repair money on those dayumm things,:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:
Does logic then suggest that these BB kits are designed for us modders? There has to be some developement cost here. I wonder what sales will look like. I can see the 7900BB being a lot bigger seller since it fits several difference models and is a common upgrade, at least around here.
My 361 filter had 2 pin holes on opposite corners near the alignment tabs in the plastic. I plugged them and no more problem.
Does logic then suggest that these BB kits are designed for us modders? There has to be some developement cost here. I wonder what sales will look like. I can see the 7900BB being a lot bigger seller since it fits several difference models and is a common upgrade, at least around here.

Has to be.... but a small market for both.

Stihl sells very few 361 top-ends... and few burnt-up saws are available. Maybe in a few more years.. but...

The only problem with the 7900 sales theory is that there many many times the sales of 361 than all 6401 and 7900 saws...

And.... both these saw lines finish production before 2010...
Too bad the filters are so poor on the 361. You wouldn't have to be installing so many P&Cs:hmm3grin2orange:

Yeah, know whatcha mean. I have 2 or 3 filters on the shelf for the 361. I thought I would need alot more considering how many 361's I've sold. I figured well I'll get in 3 and order more later. Later never came, them dayummm filters are still sitting on the shelf, sold none. People clean em or don't clean em , I really don't know, I never see the saw again. I really don't like that saw, its not a shop man's friend at all,grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..
Yeah, know whatcha mean. I have 2 or 3 filters on the shelf for the 361. I thought I would need alot more considering how many 361's I've sold. I figured well I'll get in 3 and order more later. Later never came, them dayummm filters are still sitting on the shelf, sold none. People clean em or don't clean em , I really don't know, I never see the saw again. I really don't like that saw, its not a shop man's friend at all,grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..

Would it be like passing gas in church to ask what a 361 filter costs new? Im just curious.
Yeah, know whatcha mean. I have 2 or 3 filters on the shelf for the 361. I thought I would need alot more considering how many 361's I've sold. I figured well I'll get in 3 and order more later. Later never came, them dayummm filters are still sitting on the shelf, sold none. People clean em or don't clean em , I really don't know, I never see the saw again. I really don't like that saw, its not a shop man's friend at all,grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..
Which model out of all the Stihl saws that you sell is the one you do see the most that comes in for repair?
I'm thinking probably the MS290 since that's Stihls # one seller and there are a bunch of them out there being used by people that have never heard of the word maintenance. Very seldom is it the saws fault.
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Bout that much,:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:

All right then, I'll price locally, and get my dealer discount. Im getting tired of the Stihl "super secret" pricing crap. No wonder people have started buying aftermarket. Im not busting on you THall, please dont think that, but I disagree with a few of Stihl's marketing policies.
All right then, I'll price locally, and get my dealer discount. Im getting tired of the Stihl "super secret" pricing crap. No wonder people have started buying aftermarket. Im not busting on you THall, please dont think that, but I disagree with a few of Stihl's marketing policies.

Hold on, I'll take a look..
Which model out of all the Stihl saws that you sell is the one you do see the most that comes in for repair?
I'm thinking probably the MS290 since that's Stihls # one seller and there are a bunch of them out there being used by people that have never heard of the word maintenance.

Just in the past 4 months I have worked at a place that sells and services Stihl, I have seen a lot of 026, 025, 180, and 170's come in for service, repair and snafu's. Snafus's are almost always lack of maintenance.
Which model out of all the Stihl saws that you sell is the one you do see the most that comes in for repair?
I'm thinking probably the MS290 since that's Stihls # one seller and there are a bunch of them out there being used by people that have never heard of the word maintenance. Very seldom is it the saws fault.

More 250's than 290's, homeowners leavem sit for months on in, old gas most times..
All right then, I'll price locally, and get my dealer discount. Im getting tired of the Stihl "super secret" pricing crap. No wonder people have started buying aftermarket. Im not busting on you THall, please dont think that, but I disagree with a few of Stihl's marketing policies.

Yikessssssssssssssss, $28.00

Just for the record I've never sold one and I didn't realise they cost that much, man thats costly. Lucky for my customers though I would pull that price down some, more like around 20 bucks, thats seems more resonable to me..
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On the money. I'll sell 361 piston and cylinders all day long for less than 200.00 but the problem is that dayumm saw never seems to need one, grrrrrrrrrrrrr, great saw for the user, not a good saw for the shop at all. I've replaced exactly one and that was for a member on here. One cylinder and piston out of all the 361's out there, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

thank you, thank you very much!
(volks-man takes a bow)

you THE MAN, Mr. Hall.
Now that I have successfuly derailed Brad's thread, I put a new chainbrake setup on an early 026 today, and I had to scrape for a while to find the air filter. Just about made me sick. Ironic thing was I popped the muffler cover off and the piston and cylinder looked perfect. The saw started and ran perfectly as well. I just cant understand why some people cant grasp the idea of maintenance.
Just in the past 4 months I have worked at a place that sells and services Stihl, I have seen a lot of 026, 025, 180, and 170's come in for service, repair and snafu's. Snafus's are almost always lack of maintenance.

Exactly, neglect is the biggest problem. Speaking of the 290's though, those saws seem to have the most forgiving carb. I rarely ever replace one and I get those saws in with foul fuel all the time. The smaller saws though, those small carbs on them aren't nearly as forgiving..