I have the latest Media Cat information and the kit lists for $217.34 from North East Stihl. I know some areas will have different prices, so that I understand. My point is that my markup is no were near what you are posting, and MY price is really no ones business.
Some dealers sell at list, some discount, some will sell at list when doing the repair and show less labor, some will sell at discount and show more labor. It's really up to the dealer, and a lot of times it will depend on the customer too. I don't think many would find it a shock that most of my commercial customers will get faster turn around on service and may get some discounts on whole goods and parts. A home owner buying one saw in the mid range class every 20 years, where the margin is very slim, should be able to understand this.
This is supposed to be a living for me and I have to make a profit. If I make $50 on a part, I promise you that most of that goes toward the cost of me running a brick and mortar business and I am in no way making a killing. If I didn't enjoy what I do so much, I could honestly make more money handing out shopping carts and smiley stickers at Walmart.
I'm sure Bailey's wouldn't want you posting the dealer prices on the BB kits through Woodland, just like a lot of Stihl dealers don't like to see their dealer prices listed, and at least through North East Stihl, the numbers you posted were wrong.