Muffler modification.

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ArboristSite Member
Nov 22, 2004
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I would like to modify mufflers on a few saws and the first one I would like to attempt this on would be my 026.

Is there a site which explains this procedure step by step, with pictures or video if possible would be fantastic. Or can I purchase a well modified muffler from a supplier somewhere on line.

Many thanks.

NOTE: How much more performance would I gain from this?
I modded mine a month or so ago. I'll try and post pics if you want, I'll need to take them tomorrow. If you're going to mod the saw it is better if it has an adjustable high speed jet.
Rather simple, just drill out two more holes one above and one below the existing hole in the muffler, then connect them all together to form a square hole about 7/16 by and 1 3/8.

You will likely need to richen up the jets a bit.

Also clean it up well before reassembly to get all the metal dust out of the muffler..

15-20% is a very realistic gain, also holds less heat in the engine.
RDP, just make sure you start off small or get the size from someone else that has done a saw the size of yours, you can always cut out more but it is hard to replace if to much has been removed as you will read in some threads, I took it on myself before reading and opened up my 036 and got luck that I didn't take it to far. It does make a big diff on takeoff and power when it is done right, you will be glad that you did it or had it done which ever way you end up going.
Looking at some pictures posted here previously it now has 3 large holes but no mention of the size of these 3 holes.

What size openings are recommended on a 026?
Sorry I cant tell you on the 026, I dont have a saw that size so you will have to get the answer from some of them on here that have the 026.
read the links up there, a great service has been done with those charts.

on my 026 I started out with two 3/16" holes on either side of the one hole when viewed from inside the muffler. I started small because I didn't want it super loud and I can always enlarge. I will probably stay with this size, it has given me the increase I desired. Also bent the deflector on outside of muffler between the heat-shield and hole(s) in muffler to allow easier escape of the exhaust gases. I think some guys drill the deflector and the heat shield as well, which would give the most power and noise.

I say start small and increase to size desired.
I cut all of the junk off of the front of the muffler and welded on a 5/8 or 3/4 inch pipe (I'll have to measure it, one of my guys borrowed the saw today). I didn't like how the 026 directed the exhaust towards the dog mounts. My pipe is angled chain side just above the dogs. It is louder but I wear ear pro when ever I run the saws and next to the 088kd it purrs like a kitten.:D
I like that it is a really light saw with enough power to cut up to 16" logs with authority.

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