Muffler question

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ArboristSite Lurker
Oct 7, 2005
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I would like to congratulate everyone on the excellent forum you have created here. I have finally started to understand the workings of the 2 cycle engine and it has really helped fuel my long time interest in chainsaws. A question has occurred to me that I have not seen addressed before and that is the function of the muffler. Is it necessary for the proper function of the motor or is it just for noise reduction? Does the back pressure created by the muffler serve any useful purpose?
Yes mufflers serve a purpose first to quiet the saw,second they do help tune your saw,although todays mufflers plain suck! manufacturers ars strarting to comply with enviromental concerns that means quieter ,more restriction and hotter internale temps.
So if you want mod your muffler more power to ya!
Noise is a big one, just take the front cover off, start the saw and you will get the picture.

Also there is the aspect of scavenging, if the space beyond the exhaust port was not contained to some extent much of the unburnt fuel would be lost to the atmosphere. Thats an environmental concern that the EPA is all over with the muffler restriction thing.

Think there will be more added by others on this one.
Other than noisie reduction, if the thing is designed properly, it will actually help the saw run better and make more power....

The new ones tend to be more designed to comply with emissions standards than the power part - do some reading here and you will get that message loud and clear...
Take it to the extreme and look at a tuned pipe, which, if set up right works like a turbo giving 5 or so lb of boots by jaming more fuel and air into the cylindar befor being compressed by the piston and ignighted. Effectivly its like pushing the fuel and air used by a 70 cc saw through a 50 cc saw.

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