It appears pook and GLOBO have mated and produced offspring.
If so, maybe Sap is the foster parent and HBRN the day care provider?
It appears pook and GLOBO have mated and produced offspring.
You seem to follow it all pretty closely. Way too much interest. I don't have any answers for you. Using the beetle for fishbait, now.
Who's in charge of your woodpile? I'm asking the questions.
I'll raise your UI Extension Master Gardener (which is a good program) with a BS in Entomology specializing in Integrated Pest Management from Purdue. The aim of IPM is never "With the EAB Beetle, my suggestion follows this professional integrated pest management philosophy-destroy as much of the disease causing organism as you can." Just the opposite, IPM principles involve reducing targeted pest populations to threshold levels dictated by the age and health of the plant. You need to go back to repeat which ever week you covered this program because you missed the most important concept.
You shoulda been the only post here today, not the last.
An IPM system should be comprehensive, and not just the last line of defense. People should have been using cultural practices in these trouble areas for years, like keeping all the logging tops cleaned up off the forest floor. How about planting resistant Ash cultivars to replace the ones that need taken out?
No real pesticides are being used in forests here, so most the beneficial insects are intact. That is preliminary. The vector is already present, thats why, I'm suggesting mechanical control and control through cultural practice--thinning. I'm not wasting all that wood, unless it is made illegal here to burn. I like you alot more than I did. Thanks for the post.
Mr OIBC, Sir!
Shouldn't you be out with your little net snagging bugs?
From what I've read on the borer (and I'm by no means an expert - but I have a working knowledge that is subject to further learning or correction), "keeping all the logging tops cleaned up off the forest floor" would not have solved this problem, as those pesky borers much prefer live growing trees.
"Planting resistant ash cultivars to replace the ones that need taken out" - just exactly which ash species would they be? Also, if they are not native ash species, what is the possible damage done by introducing yet another exotic and possibly invasive species to the current ecosystem?
"I'm suggesting mechanical control and control through cultural practice--thinning." I suggest instead of moving to MN, you should move to Michigan, where you could thin all you want, practically border to border. There aren't hundreds, or thousands, but quite literally millions of trees for you to thin, thanks to EAB. You're gonna need a LOT bigger boiler, maybe plumb it to heat a mid sized city. The folks of say, Kalamazoo (always thought that was a cool name), will thank you for the free heat.
I'm confused... How can a triangle have four sides?
I'll take it that you didn't want to answer the "BURNING QUESTION" who are you???
Leads me to believe that the picture I have in my mind is pretty accurate.
LMAO, The move to MI is not advisable, as there is not much Ash left to thin. You could move to WI and stay in Steve's shed where I'm sure he would feed you cheese and beer. I'm all for nuking the EAB. Inject them with radioavtive isotopes with a remote control device and hit the button, "A thousand points of light." Kalamazoo used to be the home of Gibson guitars and Checker cabs...ah, those were the days.
Yeah, I see Mt. Vernon's overnight low didn't dip below freezing, and it's gonna' stay in the mid-30's today, tomorrow looks like mid-40's with bright sunny sky's.... Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr!