My Built-Rite Splitter Tale of Warning

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Wow, I've been looking for a new splitter and the Built rite was on my short list.
Unfortunately, the second you accepted the unit at the terminal, you recourse is limited. I agree the business treated you poorly and its within your rights to post a cautionary tale so maybe it will help the next person.
Nonsense. OP paid for a brand new splitter and got a damaged, used unit. Seller is required to make it right with the customer. Period.
Unfortunately, the second you accepted the unit at the terminal, you recourse is limited. I agree the business treated you poorly and its within your rights to post a cautionary tale so maybe it will help the next person.
bULL SHlT! OP paid for a new unit and got a used unit. OP is owed significant financial recourse.

EDIT: this advice was so bad I had to respond twice. My bad.
Not that it matters much, but from reading the OP I'd be more worried about doing business with him than with Built-Rite. His whole post reeks of an over sensitive self-centered lack of business experience newbie mentality.

Chances are slim to none that I'll ever do business with either, so like I said my take doesn't matter much, but that's how I see it. If the OP wants to act that way he should go buy a BMW.:laugh:

Mr. HE:cool:
Not that it matters much, but from reading the OP I'd be more worried about doing business with him than with Built-Rite. His whole post reeks of an over sensitive self-centered lack of business experience newbie mentality.

Chances are slim to none that I'll ever do business with either, so like I said my take doesn't matter much, but that's how I see it. If the OP wants to act that way he should go buy a BMW.:laugh:

Mr. HE:cool:
He really doesn't seem that fussy.. i wouldn't have accepted it unless it was in an enclosed semi trailer still wrapped in plastic.
He really doesn't seem that fussy.. i wouldn't have accepted it unless it was in an enclosed semi trailer still wrapped in plastic.

Every step of the way he agreed to the changes according to his post, the first few were even changes he made. Then he hands off part of the negotiation to his dad because he said he was too hot headed. Also, there are gaps where he leaves out what Built-Rite said as part of the negotiations.

He's got nobody to blame but himself, anyone who has dealt with buying either new or used machinery would have put a stop to that story long before it got so far. At this point it is a story about how he regrets decisions he made and he's trying to blame someone else, it is a rant post, but hardly a story of a company screwing someone over.

Mr. HE:cool:
Another thing, while I'm on a roll here, I didn't see any rust in the pictures??? Certainly not any on the SS hose clamps???

Mr. HE:cool:
I would like to know Built-Rites side of the story. If they were not clear that they were sending a demoed machine then there is some foul here. They did send an upgraded machine that I sure retails for more than the $13K the OP has invested in it. They may have felt that the upgrades thrown in more than made up for the fact that it was a demo. Doesn't look like it's been demoed too much though.

As far as the salt. It looks like it has been towed in the midwest for a few miles in the winter. The times I have driven in Wisconsin on the winter the roads have enough salt on them to create a dust similar to rock or dirt roads in August here in the midwest. Now the dealer or whomever was demoing the unit in Wisconsin should have cleaned the machine up and trailer and tarped it to the terminal knowing full well that a piece of "new-slightly demoed" equipment wouldn't look new after being towed in the winter.
If I had been told it was a demo unit or anything else I would have told them to send me the splitter I ordered. What I received and what I was told I was getting where two different things and that's my only problem with my dealings with built-rite. I would hope that what's happens is a one time thing. But if I didn't say anything and it happens to some one else, well that would really suck. At this point it is what it is and life goes on.

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Those wedges are worth good money. I think built rite quoted over $700 for the 8 way a few years back. Seems like a pretty good trade for a few scratches on the paint and a few hose clamps.
WOW! I was thinking of Built rite when I was looking. Now I'm glad I went with AllWoods instead. I hope the OP calls back and gets some recourse, as that looks horrible!
I guess I screwed up and didn't make the time line super clear and that's my bad. We took delivery and the pictures where taken 2 weeks ago. And we have talked with built-rite and did try to get a new splitter, which they refused to do. We did get to keep the extra wedges but there only truly worth something if one has a use for them and the size trees around here don't really warrant them. We opted not to call the credit card company and dispute, not wanting to put anyone else in a possible bind. On my original post the brain went faster than my fingers, The hose clamps are not rusting but they should have been trimmed down to length. The rust is coming out in several place the tool box, the hydraulic pump, metering valve, and every place where the original green paint is missing. I have touched it up some with some paint built-rite sent however one can didn't go nearly far enough. Someone asked if it had an hour meter and no it doesn't have one.
Like I said earlier I only posted so people would know the experience I had and nothing more. The splitter does what they say it will do, she just showed up being the ugly girl at prom and not a super model. I sincerely hope that this machine was just a one of those things type of deals that doesn't happen again. I know I learned some valuable lessons from this and it is what it is. Anyhow I'm off to work, you guys have a great day.
We opted not to call the credit card company and dispute, not wanting to put anyone else in a possible bind.
This is your decision, but you are taking the bind instead of the company taking it. To me, that's not right, nor how I would expect business to be conducted. They should have bent over backwards to make it right with you and they didn't. When I was looking, customer service was high on my list, and it one of the main things that make you feel good about a purchase.
I would like to know Built-Rites side of the story. If they were not clear that they were sending a demoed machine then there is some foul here. They did send an upgraded machine that I sure retails for more than the $13K the OP has invested in it. They may have felt that the upgrades thrown in more than made up for the fact that it was a demo. Doesn't look like it's been demoed too much though.

As far as the salt. It looks like it has been towed in the midwest for a few miles in the winter. The times I have driven in Wisconsin on the winter the roads have enough salt on them to create a dust similar to rock or dirt roads in August here in the midwest. Now the dealer or whomever was demoing the unit in Wisconsin should have cleaned the machine up and trailer and tarped it to the terminal knowing full well that a piece of "new-slightly demoed" equipment wouldn't look new after being towed in the winter.

I live in Wisconsin, I know the roads are covered in salt. That's why I would NEVER pull my splitter down the road during the winter. I bought a primo splitter and I want it to last the rest of my life. The quickest way to wreck it early is to pull it through the salt. It works it's way into everything and eats it from the inside.

I don't blame the op at all for being upset about the salt. In fact, I'd be more pissed about that then the scratches from demoing it.

Here's a quick question you can use to figure out if you got screwed. How much can you get for the splitter right now on Craigslist? If it's not $13,000 you got screwed. You paid NEW money for a USED splitter.

Once again, call your CC company, get your money back, then work out a deal for the USED splitter that you bought.

Or give me a call, I have a bunch a "NEW" stuff to sell you.
I said this earlier and will repeat. I think you paid for a new machine and should of recieved a new machine. Then somewhere along the way you agreed to not take the machine you ordered and accept a machine that was delivered, but not accepted by some third party. You decided to accept that machine, and not the one you ordered, because BuiltRight threw in some upgrades. the machine you recieved had road grime and salt from being moved across country in the winter, no big surprise, this winter has been messy. Your own words are the machine does what Builtright says it will do and they sent touchup paint for the scratches and let you keep the multi wedges. i suspect wash the machine up and it will look the same as new wold look after a day of use. If the scratches are really bothering you, then by all means complain to the CC company and demand your money back. If you think Built right should send you another new splitter and after a day of splitting wood, it going to look better than the one you have now, then you really should complain and loudly. On the other hand, if you realize, you have a certain responsibility as to what machine you ordered and actually recieved, tempted as you might have been by the upgrades and extra wedges, you did look at the machine before you towed it home. And realizing that another new machine will look just as scratched after a day of work as the one you have now, then its time to quit complaining and accept what you have and move on

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