Saw looks good? Where was the sale? I'm working night shift and 6 days a week now and it's starting to really cut into my auction times. I've also been renovating our house but getting close to done. Tomorrow I'm at Breslau for abit before work. I was at a sale 2 weeks ago and bought 6' snowblower, workbench, drill press and a few other small things. I bought a JD 400 for a neighbour who couldn't make the sale. The guy did firewood on the side and had made his own skidder, I bid on it but really had no use for it so let it go. The dump trailer went reasonable too but it was 5th wheel so I passed it up too. I did run everything up to the end though, an entertaining day to say the least, the auctioneer and the home owner thanked me for showing up. He had 4 saws too but they went for what they were worth so I left them. Forgot to take any pictures but I will soon. Haven't even had a chainsaw running for weeks.