Congrats on the new saw. It is a nice one.
Hey Hulsty,
Congrats! I wish my first saw had been a 6400!
I know we're a few days after you've started it, but I'd like to make a recommendation.
Im always scared when I see new users running a saw "straight out of the box." - not so much because of safety (sounds like you have good PPE and you have a friend there to show you proper technique) but because chainsaws are very temperamental beasts & a slight change in altitude, gas type or mix can make a HUGE difference on the smooth running of your saw.
In a perfect world, that saw would have been picked up at a dealer's shop and adjusted properly to the conditions in your area. If you are a more experienced chainsaw-er you would be able to adjust the carb immediately and get it running smoothly but because this is your first saw...
Hopefully your friend is experienced enough to tune the carb a little for you. If you guys didnt do that then I would strongly suggest going to a local shop (you likely will get out of there for less than $10-20) and have them just have a look at your carburetor to make sure you're within an acceptable RPM.
Just my 2¢, take it for what its worth.
Again, you made a terrific choice for a first saw. If I could only have 1 saw it would most definitely be a 60cc saw and it would most likely be Dolmar (makita), husky or stihl.
Yummy but I do prefer the orange and black livery of the Dolmars
I too prefer the Dolmar orange and black treatment. Go to admit though, that blackout you did on your looks pretty nice. Reminds me of the older Makita chainsaws.
Is that painted or anodized?
Muffler is done in VHT flame proof and oven cured, dogs I wanted to have plated but the local platers we not much help. Originally I think they are bright zinc coated, local place said they could strip it then black oxied but it would eventually turn grey. I ended up rubbing them back, epoxy primer and epoxy paint, will see how it holds up. Quick and easy to re-coat if I have too.
I wanted to black the handle and travel limiter too but I think it might be getting a little difficult with the rubber on there.
I was initially in the same boat, blue and grey looks shocking, black and blue is really growing on my though1
Just my 2 cents, but I think I'd be looking for another dealer...
So after fitting the HD filter kit without the felt pre-filter I wanted the tune on the saw checked, I do not have a tach or finely tuned ear/experience to do this so I checked the Makita website for service dealers in my area, found one just around the corner.
Left the saw with them and just received a call which I am dubious of, he is the experienced professional though and I just wanted some more opinions.
I run the saw at 50:1 (per the manual) with SHINDAIWA 2-CYCLE OIL, meets and or exceeds the dolmar specifications. Shindaiwa 2-Cycle Oil 1-Gal Mix 6 Pack
The shop guy said that I should be running 25:1 and that he was previously a Husky dealer for 20 years and anything above 50cc should be on 25:1, he was very adamant that I run it at 50:1, he was saying the exhaust was "dry".
He also mentioned that he had to lean it out about a quarter of a turn and gained another 1000rpm ish and that the saw is now tuned to its peak and could get hot etc and lean and really needs to be run at 25:1. He also said that if something happens warranty will be denied due to the 50:1 ratio and that I should avoid changing oils as they are "absorbed into the cylinder walls" etc
I asked him what rpm it was tuned at but he hadnt written it down, I might call him back to check it for me.
On a side note, I have run about 10 tanks through the saw and it has been going great, I just need to get better at the chain sharpening.