Somebody's talking crap here & it ain't the tree!
Mate if you tried running that thing on 25:1 for more than about 5 tanks it will be that gummed up you'll be lucky to start it.
For some reason all of the 7900's I've had have struggled with anything below 40:1.
Husky's older mindset (and it was in their manuals) was that any Husqvarna chainsaw over 80cc was meant to run on 25:1 but that was years ago. Now they only recommend that on their 3120 in Australia. The 50cc thing he pulled is utter BS in the last 20 years.
It's funny how the guy used his "20 year experience as a Husky dealer" line to try and convince you he must know what he's talking about. The second you hear anbody start blowing their own trumpet to prove a point instead of actually just PROVING it run and hide. Being a Husky dealer for 20 years doesn't automatically mean you know anything unfortunately. It's probably got as lot to do with why he is no longer a Husky dealer?
It's no different to somebody saying (and I've heard it plenty of times) that "I know how to file a chain because I was a pro firewood cutter for 20 years". Normally you'll find the left hand cutters at 45° and the right hand cutters at 25°. Yup, they're good alright...
He's also an uninformed retard with his comment on the pre filter. Just goes to show he actually knows nothing about the saws he is meant to be servicing. The saw should also rev harder than 13,100rpm - he is probably trying to lean it out with the idle screw or something. Give me his phone number and I'll ring him
For some reason all of the 7900's I've had have struggled with anything below 40:1.
Husky's older mindset (and it was in their manuals) was that any Husqvarna chainsaw over 80cc was meant to run on 25:1 but that was years ago. Now they only recommend that on their 3120 in Australia. The 50cc thing he pulled is utter BS in the last 20 years.
It's funny how the guy used his "20 year experience as a Husky dealer" line to try and convince you he must know what he's talking about. The second you hear anbody start blowing their own trumpet to prove a point instead of actually just PROVING it run and hide. Being a Husky dealer for 20 years doesn't automatically mean you know anything unfortunately. It's probably got as lot to do with why he is no longer a Husky dealer?
It's no different to somebody saying (and I've heard it plenty of times) that "I know how to file a chain because I was a pro firewood cutter for 20 years". Normally you'll find the left hand cutters at 45° and the right hand cutters at 25°. Yup, they're good alright...
He's also an uninformed retard with his comment on the pre filter. Just goes to show he actually knows nothing about the saws he is meant to be servicing. The saw should also rev harder than 13,100rpm - he is probably trying to lean it out with the idle screw or something. Give me his phone number and I'll ring him
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