Look at that. Me and Gologit together on the same side of a tree. Whoda thunk it?
Look at that. Me and Gologit together on the same side of a tree. Whoda thunk it?
Holden Wood has a valid point and Gologit, remember, NO WHINNING!
I didn't have peace inside about it once I got it preped. It was fine when we were gettin the suckers down but when I got up it it was real agitated.
Good call, she sure looked nasty. Better to turn around 15 feet up and live to post about it.
So following this logic, a climber man's up, reassesses the tree, and decides either the tree is unsafe or over his capabilities. Looks like this one might have been a little of both. And your response, along with the guy who's always Holden his Wood, is to send him back up to finish the job, as like, what, punishment? Not to mention we don't know where tramp's boss's position on this was from the beginning. If tramp pushed to do the job without a lift, wasted two days and cost his boss money, then they may need to work something out, or part ways, or whatever. Not gonna get involved in that discussion. But a thought process where a climber is mature enough to recognize either his limitations or the true state of the tree( I think it was pdql that made the very valid point that sometimes ya don't know till your up there), and ya'lls response is to make him man up and finish the job is pretty ####ed up in my opinion.