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Ive finally finished putting my Husqvarna 345 back together. All parts are OEM. I looked and looked until I found this one, I wanted a newer 345 that was lightly used. I tore it all apart, cleaned everything, got a new OEM bearing cup, grinded dividers out, smoothed the rest of any rough areas, I Iayed the cylinder gasket on top of the bearing cup, screwed in the 4 cylinder bolts, about halfway or more, then marked where to drill hole for impulse. Use a drill press to drill hole if you can. Or grind in channel for impulse. Both the bottom bearing cup bolts and the cylinder head bolts are fine thread, not coarse thread like on earlier models. I took 10 thousandths off the top of the bearing cup to slightly increase compression. I got new OEM bearings- they already come with the bearing and seal put together, the 345 crankshaft looked good, not a lot of use. Got a new OEM 44.3mm 346xp top end kit for it. I did some light grinding on the cylinder transfers, and the exhaust, then polished the exhaust port. I installed a new oem 346xp cylinder gasket. Got a new OEM 357xp intake, flange, 357xp walbro carburetor, new partition wall metal clamp. Ive ported the mufffler. New fuel line, impulse line, new updated style fuel vent. New OEM clutch, new Husqvarna 455 clutch cover, I removed the original sticker on it and then put a different one on, its all I had at the time, I might put a different bigger Husqvarna sticker on it, or just take it off all together, I think it looked alright just bare orange, I just really didnt prefer the look of the original sticker on the 455 clutch cover. New Husqvarna bar and chain. Ive done alot work to this little saw. Its a really nice one. I put the original 345 oil pump and pump gear back on, gonna try it out first, a 18" bar will be mainly used, if I need more flow Im going to then install a new Husqvarna 350 adjustable oil pump. I put a XP infront of the 345 on the starter decal, I figure it does have extra power now, lol, Im still waiting for the new 345 starter decal to arrive, and then Ill put the XP on it. I havent even fired her up yet. Will try it out on the weekend, Im going to let it set and have good dry time for the sealant. I figured you guys might appreciate this.