When I get ready to mow my lawn, and I see a big pile of dog doo in the middle of the
yard, I do not run over and step in it before I start.
Reread this thread, and look deeper than the surface.
The original poster is pushing all of the right buttons. Why would someone that got a great deal on a nice saw, want to pay a "Husky" dealer an extra $50 to "look" at it,
and "check" it out?
This sounds like a troll post trying to start some crap, after all it will be a long winter.
Personally, if some one brought this saw into me, and the same circumstances,
I would walk outside and have him fire up the saw. Let him run it for a minute, and say
it sounds good or not, not charge him a dime and let him leave promptly.
If the "dealer" was to perform backflips for this "customer", then find out that
Sears had a seperate "agreement" for warranty work, and the dealer would then be
stiffed for labor and parts. Sears has done this with many companies.
But since this thread stinks to high heaven, It is not even worth going in that
direction. Let us be careful about whatsoapbox we jump on, OK guys?