Originally posted by Lumberjack
Anyone who says that BJ is a humble climber is full of ???? and a few other things. I have talked with him on AOL and he is very cocky. Some of the things he takes pride in saying when I asked him about various safety concerns is, "It is possible to get on that level of climbing," "I wasnt using a lanyard and I was so far out on the limb that I would nearly hit the ground."
As much as I have restrained from saying it, here is my opinion of the whole BJ is a super hero. Anyone who say that he is modest is a liar. Anyone who raves about his abilities, and that he is justified because he is on that "level of climbing" isnt worth his weight in deadwood. In general, my opinion of BJ is similar to Trees Company, both full of hot air and bull????. Then you have the prophet, Murphy. Either he was such a piss poor climber that he is amazed by BJ's eithics and abilities, or he is as dillusional as BJ. The opinion that I have of BJ carries over to anyone who is a prophet of his, namely Murphy. So arrogant and cocky that they cant help but talking about themselves and the "level of climbing" that they are on.
I have some videos if anyone wants me to email them to you. From what I saw on the videos I was unimpressed. Sure he was fast, but he was doing a horible job, IMO he was swingin his handsaw like he was fighting off bees, no way he was doing anything benifitial.
BJ is so caught up in himself that he cant see how he really sounds. Furthermore, why wasnt this thread deleted, and BJ punished for what he posted? He clearly and willfully broke the forum rules by posting P.ORN! Rocky got the boot for amongst other things, improper word usage, personally, I think anyone would find BJs actions as bad or worse as Rocky's, and BJ did it knowing that it would cause a response. He specifically called out Darin, and yet he is unpunished and this thread is still here. What gives moderators?