cords of mystic memory
actually i got another thing lol wifes been home all week sick as a dog so i been taking the kids outside when i get home from work. monday i messed with the splitter a bit the 3yo had a fit that she didnt want me to use it. so she ran in and told the wife lol. anyway i was just messing with the new table not really splitting any wood to speak of.
so yesterday i get home take the kids outside and start the lawn mower the 3yo has a fit and runs into the house. tells the wife im using my splitter again. so the wofe comes out hears a motor running and yells "cant you go 1 friggin day without using that thing" then comes outta the breezeway and sees me cuttin the grass. haha i was like see im cuttin the grass and you thoght i was playin with my wood!
Cutting the grass is my favorite non-wood chore, followed by snowblowing after a storm. My feeling is that god makes it snow when it's too cold for grass to grow so I can play with my toys.