OK, here it is. How much snow and will you get there on Monday? I got the 5 passenger snowmobile and did the grocery thing in Morton, where it was snowing much more than here. I busted through a high snowberm only to find the place I wanted to go was closed. Noticed what looked like a higher number of loggers than usual wandering around the grocery store. Overheard, "Dad and Me couldn't even get to the shovel this morning so we decided to bake something. Now, where is the yeast?" Others in the same boat but sent out to the store with lists. A few trees went down on the highway but were cut out. I will have to wander over and see the one that came down but missed the 'ologist building. Still snowing pretty good here.
I'm going to make salsa this afternoon.
I'm going to make salsa this afternoon.