Need Help!! Pricing Stump Removal

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I was working in KC last year and the company I contracted with had a Vermeer SC-50 the anticident of the 50TX. 50 hp direct drive blew through a 40 inch hackberry in 10 min.
I started my business last year and priced at $1.50/inch. I ended up at $2.00/ inch and it is about right. Hard if you have to compete against people who do it under the table. You know, insurance, advertising,licenses. I run a rayco rg 1620 super jr. Gets anywhere I need it to be. I also get about 75% of the jobs i bid and it's getting better. I did 130 stumps last year and I am up to 110 so far since march 28th, so the pricing seems to be good.At this rate I get anywhere from $50 - $200/ hour depending on what I get into. That is piling up the mulch neatly and leaving it. I will take it away for old people who have no way of dealing with it for free(have to give back too)


Daniel, in response to your question about the durability of the RG-50, I've found it to be pretty reliable and well-made. That is, after that addressed some issues after making it. There is a newer version that's been out for a year which fixes the overheating problems we would run into in 90F+ weather. It's my stumper of choice.

Our Rayco Super Jr. is still going, and I like it. It's just too small for production, really. It fits in small places, though. I still remember hitting the fence with it when I was 15.... it pulled itself off the ground and up the fence until it broke off the half-inch cable and hit the ground with a whimper.

Our monster Vermeer doesn't get much use these days. All the drawbacks listed above - have to move the truck to get to the next stump, have to be able to drive to the stump, have to have a lot of big stumps to pay for itself. Just not worth it when you don't have redwoods sprouting all over.
