fordf150 Sponsor
I'm not sure how i have gotten by for the last 30 yrs. MF35 gas was the tractor i grew up with. 5ft brush hog, 1 bottom plow, 7'disc, 7' sickle bar, square baler, and skidded countless logs out to keep my aunts house warm. my grandpa bought that tractor in the 60's and we used it up until 2001 or so. bought my new holland TC40 in 01 or 02. currently pulling a 9ft haybine but for a few years i drug around a 12ft haybine, 3 bottom plow on broken ground or a 2 bottom on virgin. 6 ft brush hog. 4x4 round baler. It is 4wd
there is the size loads of logs that my 40hp(35PTO hp) tractor pulls out every weekend and we dont have flat ground. It takes a 4wd pickup to go anywhere other that our driveway.
only picture i have on my computer that shows the hills.
there is my sisters cabin that gives you an idea of what 75% of our property is like. cabin is 12ft wide and the downhill side is 3ft off the ground.