Welcome to the sight. I too do not post that often, and read alot more than I post. There are some very intelligent people here, and some over-educated idiots, and there are some who think themselves to be better than they are. There are some with the education, experience, and common sense to contribute very highly, and some with experience without education, and some education without experience, all of these can have something to add with if it includes an open mind, and an attitude that is willing to listen AND speak.
As stated before, this is a heavily laden testosterone, and adrenaline based business. People who are attracted to it are usually adrenaline junkies, or (for lack of a better word for it) show-offs, (or drunks who can't get a real job). Using this as a baseline, the input that is received is going to be very heavily laced with the "look at me", and pretty scarce in the "how did you do that?" categories. Either way, I agree that some threads degrade rapidly, some gradually, and some just die a disgustingly quick painful death of ridicule and insult. We could use alot more positive input, but most of us are pretty negative people with a complex that cries for attention, and asks the world to notice them.
So as you read, think about yourself honestly, and think of these irresponsible souls that generate this negativity, and realize that we all aren't that much different. Some are just too stupid to realize the similarities.